Public Lecture on “The Road of Cambodia to ASEAN Chairmanship 2012”
Song Sophoat (Deputy Director, AFD)
On July 28, 2012, the University of Cambodia (UC) hosted a special lecture at UC Conference Center presided over by H.E. Hun Many, Assistant to Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Dr. Y Ratana (Dean for Undergraduate Studies Division, Director of Academic Foundation Department; Personal Assistant to H.E. Tea Banh, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for National Defence) warmly welcomed everybody and then gave an overview of UC’s history, including its being officially inaugurated by Samdech Techo Hun Sen in June 2003 and its subsequent move to our new campus.
In his address, H.E. Hun Many expressed his high appreciation to the University of Cambodia for developing good human resources. He went on to review the recent history and the impacts of the Viet Nam War. In December 1978, the National Liberation Army of Cambodian People, with the help of the Vietnamese Army deposed the genocidal Pol Pot regime, helping to save many of the remaining people’s lives.
However, from 1979 – 1991, H.E. Hun Many quoted Samdech Techo Hun Sen that “Cambodia was in bad situation where one hand fought the rest of Khmer Rouge Army while the other hand tried to develop the country”. The development of a Win-Win Policy was a very good strategy for the Cambodian people to come to live the good
life in full peace. H.E. Hun noted that Cambodia became an ASEAN Member in 1999, and had its first Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2002. This year is its second time as Chair, for which Cambodia is very proud. Thus, in November, Cambodia plans to have a big ASEAN meeting in Phnom Penh, when the Royal Government will invite the President of the United States of America, the President of Russia and the Prime Minister of Japan to participate.
H.E. Hun Many provided the useful comments related to the fact that Cambodia’s fate is solely based upon us: thus, we all need to help develop our country fast to be like other countries in Asia. But he argued that we must first know our history and ourselves well.
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