Best Undergraduate Students, Term I (2010-2011)
By Dr. angus munro (Vice President for Academic Affairs)
Every term, we recognise the best of our undergraduate students, provided that they have done the minimum number of courses during that term: those who have scored an ‘A’ overall are nominated to the Vice-President’s List, whilst those who have scored a ‘B+’ overall are nominated to the Dean’s List. Excluding Foundation Year students, a total of 120 students (including 65 females: 54%) scored a ‘B+’ overall and thus qualified for the Dean’s List; none qualified for the Vice-President’s List. The following table gives a breakdown by College and gender.
These and unpublished data show that: 1. the popularity of the different Colleges can be ranked as Management ≈ Arts & Humanities > Social Sciences ≈ Science & Technology > Law > Education; 2. in terms of the proportion of female students, the popularity of the different Colleges can be ranked as Education (but only a very small total number of students) > [Management ≈ Arts & Humanities ≈ Social Sciences ≈ 50%] > Law > Science & Technology; 3. based on their absolute numbers (Table 1), proportionately more students were on the Dean’s List for the College of Social Sciences, and fewer for the Colleges of Arts & Humanities and, especially, Science & Technology; 4. proportionately more female students were on the Dean’s List for the Colleges of Arts & Humanities and, to a much lesser extent, Management. Clearly the above profile regarding overall and College-specific gender ratios, together with absolute numbers of students, will be influenced by the pattern of intake of cohorts of Foundation Year students. It will be interesting to monitor whether there is any continuity in performance as students proceed through their academic programmes. A preliminary analysis (Table 2) indicates that there is a significant difference between sessions in the proportion of students on the Dean’s List (χ2 = 14.0, d.f. 3; P < 0.01). Classes with the most good performers were in the morning, whilst proportionately the fewest high-scorers were in the weekend session. This is consistent with previous years’ analyses of between-session differences in overall performance. However it is clear that a more fine-tuned analysis is required to better understand the underlying dynamics.
I am grateful to Ms. Kong Rathana and Mr. Sam Sophorn for their help in compiling and analyzing the data. The following are the 120 undergraduate students who qualified for the Dean’s List. This will be recorded in their academic transcripts. The students are to be congratulated on their hard work; it is hoped that this will encourage them to continue to do so, and other students to try harder in order to also earn this distinction in later terms. DEAN’S LIST An Putratha (Business Management) Ban Chenda (Finance and Banking) Bora Angkearath (English Literature) Boreth Vathana (Information Technology) Chan Raksa (International Relations) Chea Mengsreng (Law) Chea Nich (Business Management) Chea Ratha (Finance and Banking) Chey Phalsokun (English Literature) Chhang Samnang (English Literature) Chhay Daroth (Finance and Banking) Chhay Raksmey (International Relations) Chheng Dolla (International Relations) Chheng Sovannka (English Literature) Chhuon Panha (Law) Chi Sothea (Law) Chin Rathana (Finance and Banking) Chin Tyheng (International Relations) Chum Pheasa (Law) Eng Ramin (International Relations) Hanz Tso Teerra (Economics) Hoeu Sotheara (Law) Houn Sakphea (Accounting) Hul Sim (Development Studies) Ith Isa (International Relations) Kang Leangpoar (English Literature) Keo Buntheng (International Relations) Khe Longsean (Information Technology) Kheang Sathaboramana (International Relations) Kheang Somanita (English Literature) Khmao Rong (Law) Khoun Theara (Law) Kong Nary (Accounting) Koy Piseth (Law) Kuoch Chanchamroeun (International Relations) Lak Chansok (International Relations) Lam Sothea (Accounting) Leak Karineth (English Literature) Leang Phannara (Development Studies) Long Geklourng (Finance and Banking) Lor Chhayseng (International Relations) Ly Heng (Business Management) Ly Sievleang (International Relations) Ly Sokchou (Finance and Banking) May Sam Ath (Finance and Banking) Meng Seng Kry (Economics) Meng Serey Rachana (International Relations) Mon Chhor Vorn (English Literature) Mon Doungmonyrath (International Relations) Monh Chankesey (Business Management) Nal Phyvatana (International Relations) Nget Sam Ath (Economics) Ngoun Soksan (Economics) Ngoun Wathana (Finance and Banking) Ngov Houtchhay (Law) Nguon Setha (English Literature) Nhan Socheata (Economics) Nhem Sophea (International Relations) Nov Sakarach (International Relations) Ny Chan Lyda (International Relations) Oum Moullika (Law) Pech Morakat (Economics) Pech Sophealeak (International Relations) Pen Chanpisey (English Literature) Penh Pilika (English Literature) Peou Sopheak International Business Phal Nyveara (Finance and Banking) Pheng Meas Sak (Economics) Phok Moni Amara (International Relations) Phok Ratana (English Literature) Poch Kanha (Accounting) Roeun Sovanny (International Relations) Ros Sambath (Development Studies) Ros Sopheavuth (Economics) Run Serei Mealea (English Literature) Saing Chakriya (Accounting) San Boromeichan (International Relations) Sann Sethvitou (Finance and Banking) Saveth Nheanpanha (Finance and Banking) Say Mouykea (English Literature) Seang Ratha (Finance and Banking) Sem Sophea (International Relations) Seng Bouyky (English Literature) Seng Chantho (Law) Seng Ly (Finance and Banking) Seng Sosamphors (Finance and Banking) Sin Chan Nita (International Relations) Sin Piseth (Law) Sin Sakana (Law) Sok Ao Sreileak (Accounting) Sok Chhorda (Business Management) Sok Sovatha (International Relations) Sokkhea Gechchheng (Law) Song Dapisei (Business Management) Song Sreyratha (Accounting) Sophal Maliny (Finance and Banking) Sor Sunheang (English Literature) Sorn Chantha (Finance and Banking) Soth Pisey (Public Administration) Sovann Monyroth (Finance and Banking) Suon Sokha (Accounting) Taing Leangchhoung (English Literature) Taing Leng (English Literature) Tea Huychou (English Literature) Tep Chanra (Finance and Banking) Thien Hongsobondith (Finance and Banking) Thul Si Borann (Economics) Tith Seychanly (Information Technology) Tum Narita (Finance and Banking) Uk Vannak (Political Science) Ung Sokkim (International Relations) Va Chan Piseth (English Literature) Va Sophanrorth (International Relations) Vong Sopheap (Accounting) Vong Sreydeth (Finance and Banking) Yim Sunkry (International Relations) Yith Davy (Finance and Banking) Yoeng Sopheary (Finance and Banking) Yoeurng Sotheara (Law) Yon Sokhorn (Finance and Banking)
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