UC Attends Workshop on SCP
The Ministry of Environment, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), hosted an event, "National Workshop on Capacity Building Needs Assessment for Sustainable Consumption and Production," on August 25, 2011. H.E. Khong Sam Noun, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Environment, presided over the all-day event. Over 100 participants from different ministries, public and private sector institutions, and higher education institutions attended the event. Song Sophoat, Deputy Director of the Academic Foundation Department (AFD), attended the workshop on behalf of the University of Cambodia (UC).
Dr. Chhun Vannak, Senior Minister’s Advisor and Deputy Director-General for Inspection Ministry of Environment, delivered the welcoming remarks and said that the forum will enable participants to better understand sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and its patterns, as well as to define priorities for the capacity building necessary for implementation of related policies.
In his keynote address, H.E. Khong Sam Noun informed the participants that SCP is a new initiative around the world and in the Kingdom of Cambodia. He stressed the importance of raising awareness about SCP and assessing gaps in capacity building so that key policies can be implemented to reach the country’s goals. The participants were divided into two groups later in the day to discuss SCP in Cambodia.
"I think this national workshop was very useful for me and other participants because it made me understand significant situations of sustainable consumption and production in the world and Cambodia," said Song Sophoat, adding that this issue is an important topic for discussion among university students. "SCP is not made possible through a single institution alone. Such success necessitates close collaboration between all concerned institutions. . .and relevant stakeholders."
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