One hundred eighty-eight graduates of the Center for English Studies (CES) program at the University of Cambodia (UC) were awarded certificates at the CES graduation ceremony on Saturday, January 29, 2011, in the UC Conference Center. H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, President of UC and Adviser to Samdech Techo Prime Minister, presented the graduates their certificates, with the help of Dr. Angus Munro, VP for Academics, and Por Malis, VP for Operations.
Dr. Kao delivered the keynote address and congratulated the graduates on their achievements. He said that the ceremony was an important milestone for them and that developing their competency in English would provide the graduates with greater opportunities in life. This is also why the University decided to use English as the medium of instruction for all academic courses, he noted. Dr. Kao then emphasized the importance of developing good habits in the pursuit of success. In addition to working hard, he encouraged the graduates to get up early, score the highest on their exams, plan for the future, and feel good about their achievements. The graduates must continue to work hard, he said, because they will have to compete with other students from the region and around the world for the most highly coveted jobs. Towards the end of his address, he challenged the graduates to “be the best of the best,” and to start and complete their Bachelor’s Degree programs early.
“We want to see every UC student become successful in life,” Dr. Kao said, adding that success will not come easy if people are unwilling to work hard for it. He ended his address by welcoming the graduates to the academic degree program.
Three of the CES graduates were recognized for earning a “B+”average grade and were awarded with high academic achievement at the ceremony. The three students were Chea Sopheareth, Prak Sela, and Sao Lay Hour; the University commends them for their hard work and academic excellence.
Vireak Pakrinhapich’s, a CES graduate, delivered a short speech as the student representative of the graduating class. He expressed his gratitude to the University and to CES instructors for teaching the graduates, and then shared that the CES program helped him improve his speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. These skills will help students be more competitive at school and in the workplace, he said, and will help them strengthen their relationships with friends and family members.
Mr. Vireak plans to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in economics at UC, and hopes to study abroad in the future.
Lor Channy, another CES graduate, said she believes the UC CES program is a good program for students because it prepares them to enter an academic program. If students do not take part in the CES program, she said, they risk entering the academic courses underprepared as a result of their inability to comprehend English. For example, she continued, they may struggle to understand complex text they are required to read for their courses or they may fall behind because they do not understand the lecturers, who instruct in English at UC. This is why the CES program is important for students, she said.
Miss Lor plans to study law at UC and hopes to one day become a judge in Cambodia. Like many of her peers, she hopes to study abroad in China and continue her pursuit of higher education.
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