As Cambodia recovers from its traumatic past, and thereby modernizes and interacts more regionally and globally, there is an ever-growing need for professionals with an in-depth knowledge of our own country's rules of law; Cambodian and international regulations governing trade and commerce between countries; international conventions on the environment, labor, intellectual property, human rights; and also dispute resolution. Such knowledge is important for both policy development and advocacy work within Cambodia.
The College of Law aims to offer a curriculum whose breadth and depth is unmatched for legal education in Cambodia. The syllabus seeks to provide students with a solid educational foundation for their continuing intellectual, human and professional development as they build their future legal careers.
Rather than emphasizing any single area of Law, the College provides both introductory and advanced courses in every major area of legal endeavor. This varied and challenging educational program aims not just to give a good perspective on relevant legislative systems; but also to train students' thinking capabilities in order to help them assess (and seek to resolve) a variety of real-life situations – in legal practice, the government and other public service, academia, and business. As the Cambodian legal system evolves, together with those in the region and internationally, we will update our course-offerings accordingly.
Thus the mission of the College of Law is to provide students with the knowledge and skills essential for handling legal matters and so help to strengthen the Rule of Law in Cambodia. Related to this, the goals of the Law programmes at the University of Cambodia are to:
There are three majors in our LLB program: Law, Public Law and Private Law.
Students in the College of Law can do a Bachelor of Laws degree in one of the following subjects:
In order to be admitted to study for a Bachelor’s degree, an applicant must have a high school diploma or an equivalent; and take and pass the University of Cambodia Undergraduate Entrance Examination (under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport) and the University of Cambodia English Placement Exam.
New students must spend their first year fulfilling the Foundation Year Program’s requirements, as specified by the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia: this comprises eight General Education courses and two oriented subjects related to the student’s major: LAW101 (Introduction to Law) and LAW102 (Constitutional Law). A student must pass the Foundation Year in order to proceed into the second year programme.
In addition to the Foundation Year and other General Education requirements set by the University of Cambodia, Bachelor’s degree candidates in the College of Law are required to take a minimum of a further 48 credit hours (the equivalent of sixteen courses) in their respective major. Of the other eleven elective courses (33 credits) which the student must take, up to a maximum of six courses (18 credits) can be from within the same College.
3. LAW
The Law programme is intended to enable students to acquire the legal knowledge and skills to deal with facts in relation to the concepts, principles, and theories of knowledge, skills; facts, concepts, principles, and theories of Law in general. This also provides students with both introductory and advanced courses in every major area of legal endeavor and conception of legal rights at both national and international levels
Apart from fulfilling the Foundation Year and General Education requirements, students doing a Bachelor’s degree in the College of Law must take the other five major core courses (15 credits), along with seven major elective courses (21 credits). Of the remaining eleven elective courses (33 credits) which the student must take, up to a maximum of six courses (18 credits) can be from within the same College.
Year 1 (Foundation Year)
Major Core ('Oriented') Courses
LAW101: Introduction to Law
LAW102: Constitutional Law
General Education Courses
ENG101: College English*
ENG102: English Composition*
HIS101: Cambodian History*
ITE101: Fundamentals of Computing and Information*
KHM140: Cambodian Culture*
LAW101: Introduction to Law*
MTH120: Introduction to Statistics*
POL101: Introduction to Political Science*
Year 2
Major Core Courses
LAW103: Civil Law
LAW104: Labor Law
LAW105: Contract Law
LAW206: Family Law
LAW209: Civil Procedure
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do eight courses including:
ENG107: The Written Language
ENG122: Further English for Non-Majors
GEO101: World Geography*
INT103: Globalisation and International Affairs*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
COM101: Interpersonal Communication*
COM102: Essentials of Public Speaking*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
ANT101: Introduction to Anthropology*
PSY101: Introduction to Psychology*
SOC101: Introduction to Sociology*
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
ACC101: Principles of Accounting
BUS201: Principles of Management
DEV102: Understanding Development
ECN201: Principles of Economics
EDC101: Principles of Education
ENG209: Spoken English
FIN201: Fundamentals of Financial Management
ITE102: Introduction to Computer Programming C++
ITE103: Introduction to the Internet
ITE104: Logic and Computation
ITE105: Computer Architecture
MTH110: College Algebra
MTH112: Calculus I
Year 3
Major Core Courses
LAW207: Business Law
LAW208: Criminal Law
LAW211: Public International Law
LAW312: Taxation Law
LAW313: Criminal Procedure
LAW430: International Institutions and Global Governance
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do seven courses including:
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC101: General Science I*
PHL104: Critical Reasoning*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC102: General Science II*
RES301: Research Methodology*
At least two (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
PHL101: Introduction to Philosophy*
PHL105: Moral Philosophy*
RLG101: Introduction to Religion*
WMN201: Perspectives on Women in Society
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EAD305: Educational Policy and Implementation
EAD306: Instructional Leadership
ENG219 Business Communication
BUS304: Leadership Skills
ENG218: Writing for Academic Purposes
POL303: Political Leadership
Year 4
Major Elective Courses
LAW309: Administrative Law
LAW315: International Trade Law and Policy
LAW411: Land Management and Urbanisation Law
LAW420: Human Rights Law
LAW421: Legal Research and Writing (3 credits)
Other Elective Courses
Do four (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
DEV301: Globalisation and Economic Development
DEV306: Development and the State
DEV424: Aid and Development Projects
DEV425: Rural and Urban Development
EAD308: Library Management and Technology in Education
EAD405: School marketing and Community
EAD406: Secondary Education Issues and Problem
EDC307: Multiculture in Educational Teaching
EDC308: Child-Friendly Education
EDC401: Educational Law and Implementation
EDC407: Development and Education
ENG320: Presentation ENG320: Presentation Skills and Public Speaking
ENG316: English for Management
HRM302: Managing Human Resources
HRM304: Training and Development
HRM403: Ethics and Values in Human Resources
HTM307: Hospitality and Tourist Consumer Behavior
IBS402: Managing Cultural Diversity
IBS403: International Business Operations and Strategy
INT301: International Politics and Security
INT313: International Institutions and World Governance
LAW302: International Relations and Institutions
LAW316: Special Criminal Law
LAW406: Intellectual Property
LAW412: Advanced Administrative Law
LAW414 : Banking Laws
LAW419: Public Function Law
MKT306: Public Relations
POL311: Introduction to East Asian Politics
SOC303: Family and Socialization
This programme is intended to enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills to deal with facts in relation to the concepts, principles, and theories of various types of legal issue in specialized areas of Public Law. Public laws are those laws that are relevant to matters affecting the entire community, and concern the relationship between individuals in the general population and the state. Thus, constitutional law, administrative law and criminal law are all sub-divisions of Public Law.
Apart from fulfilling the Foundation Year and General Education requirements, students doing a Bachelor’s degree in Public Law must take the other five major core courses (15 credits), along with seven major elective courses (21 credits). Of the remaining eleven elective courses (33 credits) which the student must take, up to a maximum of six courses (18 credits) can be from within the same College.
Year 1 (Foundation Year)
Major Core ('Oriented') Courses
LAW101: Introduction to Law
LAW102: Constitutional Law
General Education Courses
ENG101: College English*
ENG102: English Composition*
HIS101: Cambodian History*
ITE101: Fundamentals of Computing and Information*
KHM140: Cambodian Culture*
LAW101: Introduction to Law*
MTH120: Introduction to Statistics*
POL101: Introduction to Political Science*
Year 2
Major Core Courses
LAW103: Civil Law
LAW104: Labor Law
LAW105: Contract Law
LAW206: Family Law
LAW209: Civil Procedure
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do eight courses including:
ENG107: The Written Language
ENG122: Further English for Non-Majors
GEO101: World Geography*
INT103: Globalisation and International Affairs*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
COM101: Interpersonal Communication*
COM102: Essentials of Public Speaking*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
ANT101: Introduction to Anthropology*
PSY101: Introduction to Psychology*
SOC101: Introduction to Sociology*
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
ACC101: Principles of Accounting
BUS201: Principles of Management
DEV102: Understanding Development
ECN201: Principles of Economics
EDC101: Principles of Education
ENG209: Spoken English
FIN201: Fundamentals of Financial Management
ITE102: Introduction to Computer Programming C++
ITE103: Introduction to the Internet
ITE104: Logic and Computation
ITE105: Computer Architecture
MTH110: College Algebra
MTH112: Calculus I
Year 3
Major Core Courses
LAW207: Business Law
LAW208: Criminal Law
LAW211: Public International Law
LAW312: Taxation Law
LAW313: Criminal Procedure
LAW430: International Institutions and Global Governance
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do seven courses including: At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC101: General Science I*
PHL104: Critical Reasoning*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC102: General Science II*
RES301: Research Methodology*
At least two (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
PHL101: Introduction to Philosophy*
PHL105: Moral Philosophy*
RLG101: Introduction to Religion*
WMN201: Perspectives on Women in Society
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EAD305: Educational Policy and Implementation
EAD306: Instructional Leadership
ENG219 Business Communication
BUS304: Leadership Skills
ENG218: Writing for Academic Purposes
POL303: Political Leadership
Year 4
Major Elective Courses
Do five (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
LAW309: Administrative Law
LAW316: Special Criminal Law
LAW412: Advanced Administrative Law
LAW417: Diplomatic Law
LAW419: Public Function Law
LAW421: Legal Research and Writing (3 credits)
Other Elective Courses
Do four (subject to timetable and other constraints) of the following:
DEV301: Globalisation and Economic Development
DEV424: Aid and Development Projects
EDC401: Educational Law and Implementation
EDC402: Non-Formal Education
ENG320: Presentation ENG320: Presentation Skills and Public Speaking
ENG316: English for Management
ENG422: Advanced Business Communication
HRM301: Supervision and Labor Relations
HRM403: Ethics and Values in Human Resources
INT302: Cambodian Foreign Policy
LAW315: International Trade Law and Policy
LAW418: Private International Law
LAW420: Human Rights Law
MKT300: Consumer Behavior
MKT402: Customer Relationship Management
POL306: Media and Politics
POL415: Decentralization and Local Governance
PUB404: Educational Policies and Their Implementation
This programme is intended to provide students with the knowledge and skills to deal with facts in relation to the concepts, principles, and theories of various types of legal issue in specialized areas of Private Law. Private laws are those which are most relevant to individuals and include, for example, laws relating to property ownership or employment contracts. Unlike Public Law, Private Law involves interactions between private citizens.
Apart from fulfilling the Foundation Year and General Education requirements, students doing a Bachelor’s degree in Private Law must take the other five major core courses (15 credits), along with seven major elective courses (21 credits). Of the remaining eleven elective courses (33 credits) which the student must take, up to a maximum of six courses (18 credits) can be from within the same College.
Year 1 (Foundation Year)
Major Core ('Oriented') Courses
LAW101: Introduction to Law
LAW102: Constitutional Law
General Education Courses
ENG101: College English*
ENG102: English Composition*
HIS101: Cambodian History*
ITE101: Fundamentals of Computing and Information*
KHM140: Cambodian Culture*
LAW101: Introduction to Law*
MTH120: Introduction to Statistics*
POL101: Introduction to Political Science*
Year 2
Major Core Courses
LAW103: Civil Law
LAW104: Labor Law
LAW105: Contract Law
LAW206: Family Law
LAW209: Civil Procedure
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do eight courses including:
ENG107: The Written Language
ENG122: Further English for Non-Majors
GEO101: World Geography*
INT103: Globalisation and International Affairs*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
COM101: Interpersonal Communication*
COM102: Essentials of Public Speaking*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
ANT101: Introduction to Anthropology*
PSY101: Introduction to Psychology*
SOC101: Introduction to Sociology*
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
ACC101: Principles of Accounting
BUS201: Principles of Management
DEV102: Understanding Development
ECN201: Principles of Economics
EDC101: Principles of Education
ENG209: Spoken English
FIN201: Fundamentals of Financial Management
ITE102: Introduction to Computer Programming C++
ITE103: Introduction to the Internet
ITE104: Logic and Computation
ITE105: Computer Architecture
MTH110: College Algebra
MTH112: Calculus I
Year 3
Major Core Courses
LAW207: Business Law
LAW208: Criminal Law
LAW211: Public International Law
LAW312: Taxation Law
LAW313: Criminal Procedure
LAW430: International Institutions and Global Governance
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do seven courses including:
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC101: General Science I*
PHL104: Critical Reasoning*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC102: General Science II*
RES301: Research Methodology*
At least two (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
PHL101: Introduction to Philosophy*
PHL105: Moral Philosophy*
RLG101: Introduction to Religion*
WMN201: Perspectives on Women in Society
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EAD305: Educational Policy and Implementation
EAD306: Instructional Leadership
ENG219 Business Communication
BUS304: Leadership Skills
ENG218: Writing for Academic Purposes
POL303: Political Leadership
Year 4
Major Elective Courses
LAW315: International Trade Law and Policy
LAW406: Intellectual Property
LAW414: Banking Laws
LAW418: Private International Law
LAW421: Legal Research and Writing (3 credits)
Other Elective Courses
Do four (subject to timetable and other constraints) of the following:
DEV301: Globalisation and Economic Development
DEV424: Aid and Development Projects
DEV425: Development Economics
EAD401: Education and Social Change
EAD403: Issues and Trends in Health Education
ECN302: Economics of Developing Areas
EDC403: Gender Equity and Education
ENG320: Presentation ENG320: Presentation Skills and Public Speaking
ENG422: Advanced Business Communication
HRM303: Recruitment and Selection
HRM304: Training and Development
HRM305: Occupational Health and Safety
HRM401: Benefits and Compensation
HRM403: Ethics and Values in Human Resources
IBS305: Government and International Business
IBS401: International Trade Operations
INT312: Geopolitics of Resources
INT313: International Institutions and World Governance
LAW302: International Relations and Institutions
LAW309: Administrative Law
LAW411: Land Management and Urbanisation Law
LAW412: Advanced Administrative Law
LAW419: Public Function Law
LAW420: Human Rights Law
MKT300: Consumer Behavior
POL414: Politics and Development
POL416: Public Policy and Politics
PUB403: Survey of Cambodian Public Policy
SOC303: Family and Socialization
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