which found that Asia loses 6% of its GDP each year if climate change measures are not seriously enforced.
Mr. Lay Kim also offered advice on how governments and citizens can help reduce emissions tha contribute to global warming, saying, “By using renewable sources. . .and. . .natural resources, such as wind, water and sun, we can reduce our carbon foot print.”
According to Ambassador Andrew Mace, global problems will continue to plague ASEAN countries if they do not act now to protect the climate system. Some of these problems include diminishing woodlands, rising sea levels, rice yields falling by 50%, and shortage of accessible drinking water—all relevant issues to the economic development and sustainability of Cambodia. Moreover, he encouraged an exploration on what can be done to mitigate the negative effects of global warming and pushed ASEAN to be more vocal in global negotiations.
“All polluters, past and present, must work together to help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions,” Mr. Nguyen emphasized in his closing remarks. He further explained ASEAN’s proposal to deal with climate change and reduction of emissions and stressed the need for more support from governments and citizens for mitigation and adaptation measures in Asia.
Though not under a legal obligation to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, ASEAN must still meet a common target as a community and can learn from the EU’s internal arrangements that allow for differentiated reduction targets.
The debate concluded with the viewing of a provocative docudrama film entitled, The Age of Stupid, which shows a devastated world in the future and questions the complacency of people in regards to climate change.
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