UC Toshu Fukami Library Staff Participate in Training Workshop

Two staff members from the University of Cambodia’s Toshu Fukami Library participated in a four-day “Technology Skills for Librarians” workshop organized by the Cambodian Electronic Information for Librarians Consortium (Cam-eIFL). Mr. Chan Ratha and Mr. Yoeng Samdy (both of whom are also UC students) represented UC at the training workshop, which was held at the Royal University of Phnom Penh’s (RUPP) Hun Sen Library on November 2 - 5, 2010.

Net Wanna and Khiev Sopheaktra trained 27 participants from 17 institutions during the four-day workshop. Participants included library staff from other university libraries, public libraries, and research institutes in Cambodia.

Workshop participants learned four key skills during the training:
• Understanding the use of BOOLEAN
operators (and, or, not);
• Searching online journals and online
databases provided by eIFL;
• Searching internet sources; and
• Using internet technology specific to librarians.

After the workshop, Chan Ratha said, “Mr. Yoeng Samdy and I have gained more knowledge related to library systems and this will improve our daily work.”