What is a Virus? How Can We Protect

Our Computers From Such A Threat?

Imagine when your working on a project and the computer blanks out. You get very upset and frustrated. It’s a virus that has hacked into your computer. But how did it get there is the question. 

On June 15 and 17, 2009 the Han Choi computer company came and explained about the basics of a virus is and how it eventually affects our computers. 

A virus is a program that infects the computers software and hardware. The virus comes from a code that someone else has created, which can wipe out the computer without you knowing it. 

Viruses are created through a “C+++” program. Hackers create viruses for four main reasons.

       1. For fun

       2. To steal others information

       3. Destroy people’s information when it gets transferred from different places on the computer, i.e. USB flash drive

       4. For money

People need to realize that there are many different types of viruses, especially through the internet. Be especially careful with “exe” files. According to R. Kayne of WiseGeek website “an exe file is a computer file that ends with the extension “.exe” otherwise known as an executable file. When one clicks on an exe file, a built-in routine automatically executes codes that can set several functions into motion. Exe files are used to install and run programs and routines.”

Although an exe file is one of the most useful types of files precisely because it runs programs; however, this also makes it potentially harmful. It can be used as a delivery system for viruses or other malicious routines. You might be installing a program, running a program, or even shutting off your computer and the “exe” file can create viruses that you might not expect. 

In addition, a virus processes through the computer when files are erased or when the computer shuts down. Also, viruses update through the internet or through files such as Symantec. Viruses are mainly programs that changes and deletes and duplicates themselves. They change system files, insert themselves into different files on the systems. Sometimes they hide themselves and propagate to different systems on a network.

Make sure you are careful because viruses can be spread through the internet by emails, websites, networks, cable, wireless, or even through a flash drive.  

After all this, how can we protect ourselves from viruses? There are so many ways you can protect yourselves, but just by following these three easy rules, it will help you out in the long run. 

       1. Don’t open files you don’t know. 

       2. Look at the information before using it. 

       3. Use antivirus that captures all the viruses.