
Undergraduate Catalogue

Section XVII


The following outlines of course content are correct at the time of writing, although the material (or the order in which it is covered) may be subject to change.

1. All courses are 3 credit hours each, unless otherwise indicated.

2. When a course contains two separate components (certain BIO options), the time allocated may not be split equally between the two.

3. Normally, a course will not be run without a minimum enrolment of students.


ACC101: Principles of Accounting

Financial and managerial accounting principles. Basic accounting statements, processes, and management applications.

ACC301: Introduction to Financial Accounting

A study of basic accounting principles with emphasis on the recording, reporting and interpretation of financial data.

ACC302: Introduction to Managerial Accounting

Application of accounting data and concepts for managerial planning and control, including cost accounting and responsibility accounting.

ACC303: Computerised Accounting

This course emphasizes the application of computers to sound accounting practices using the QuickBooks software program. This course is designed to give the student  proficiency in all areas of computerized accounting and knowledge for setting up a system from start to finish by solving exercises, problems and tests.

ACC304: Taxation

Tax principles applicable to business entities and individuals; tax compliance issues; tax planning as part of overall strategic planning process for businesses and individuals.

ACC305: Auditing

Study of auditing theory and procedures. Topics include but are not limited to the auditor's report, structure of the profession, code of ethics, litigation, engagement planning, evidence, internal control, audit programs, and statistical sampling.

ACC401: Financial Analysis

Presents an introduction to the essential elements of the accounting and financial methods employed by management for evaluating the health of a business (financial statements, ratio analysis), and allocating capital resources (cost of capital, time value of money, net present value, rate of return).

ACC490: Accounting Internship

This course provides the student experience in his/her chosen field of study. Through this experience, the student gains a practical understanding of work in the industry, experience on the job, enhancement of skills learned in the classroom, and contacts with professionals in the business world.

ACC495: Accounting Project Paper

The Project Paper will provide the students with the opportunity to find, research, design, implement, document, and orally present a project in the chosen field of study.

AMR101: Introduction to American Studies

Introduces the students to interdisciplinary approaches to the study of American culture and civilization.

AMR102: Introduction to American History

Introduces the students to the history of America from from the arrival of the first humans to the present.

AMR103: The American Experience

This interdisciplinary course examines diversity and changes in American values and lives in a cultural, sociological and historical context.

AMR104: The Asian American Experience

This course discusses the Asian American experience in the United States from the early migration to the recent waves of Asian immigrants.

AMR201: American History to 1865

In this course, students learn about the history of America from its discovery by Columbus to 1865.

AMR202: American History from 1865

Introduces the students to the history of America from 1865 to the present.

AMR203: American Government and Politics

In this course, students are given a window into American political institutions, politics and policy.

AMR204: American Culture and the World

This course examines the impact American culture has around the world and discusses the controversies surrounding the world’s anxiety about American influences.

AMR205: Popular Culture in America

This course examines the different elements that make up popular culture in America through the many different media and their influence in the world.

AMR206: The American Novel

In this course, students read literary work by famous American writers and discuss how these novels reflect the different periods in American lives and also how they have influenced the different generations.

AMR207: Women in America

This course offers students a comprehensive look at the feminist movement in the United States and issues of gender.

AMR208: Race in America

Slavery, immigration, and race issues from the foundation of the American nation to the present will be examined in this course.

AMR209: Film and American Cultural Studies

In this course, students will be introduced to the many different aspects of American lives through the lens of the movie camera.

AMR301: Critics of American Culture

Through the use of different media such as the newspapers, magazines, the internet, and books, students will look at different critics of American culture.

AMR302: Cultural Themes in America

Explores the various cultures co-existing alongside each other in American society, stressing their commonalities and examining their differences.

AMR303: Culture and the Arts in America

How various arts have contributed to the fabric of American culture will be examined, and how the culture itself has been shaped by these arts.

AMR304: American Cultural Eras

Various eras in American culture will be explored, examining the artistic, political and social realities of these times.

AMR401: Literature and American Society

The importance of literature in American cultural life. Its relevance, influences and impact will be explored through the study of key authors and literary movements.

AMR402: Material Aspects of American Life

An examination of materialism in American society. How national prosperity has affected and altered the “American Dream” and shaped the modern definition of “success.”

AMR403: Business and American Culture Studies

The influence and effect of American business on culture, examining the role major corporations play in the everyday social, fiscal and artistic aspects of American life.

AMR404: The African American Experience

The study of African American history, culture and artistic expressions from America’s inception to modern times.

AMR405: The Cambodian American Experience

Examines Cambodian Americans as members of American society, and how their cultural, familial and historical heritage affects and influences their present-day realities.

ANT101: Introduction to Anthropology

An introductory survey of the sub-fields of anthropology: biological anthropology, archaeology, cultural and social anthropology.

ANT102: Origins of Human Society

An archeological perspective on the earliest forms of human culture in the prehistoric past.

ANT103: The Rise of Civilization

The rise of major civilizations in prehistory and proto-history throughout the world.

ANT104: Introduction to Archaeology

Using archaeological data, this course traces our prehistoric heritage and the processes which led to the evolution of agriculture, settled villages, and civilization.

ANT201: Biological Anthropology

Past and present evolution of the human species and population and individual biological variation.

ANT202: Cultural Anthropology

Survey of cultural anthropology; deals with the nature of culture and its various aspects including social organization, technology, economics, religion, and language.

ANT203: Introduction to Language and Culture

This is an introduction to the study of the production, interpretation, reproduction of social meanings as expressed through language.

ANT204: Southeast Asian Archaeology I

Traces the prehistory of Southeast Asian cultures from an archaeological and ethno-historical perspective; special attention given to the Cambodian culture as it relates to the rest of Southeast Asian cultures.

ANT205: The Ancient Empires

Comparative studies of five of the world’s most prominent ancient empires: Assyria, Egypt, Rome, the Aztecs, and the Incas.

ANT206: Personal Anthropology

Anthropological approaches and methods related to the student’s everyday life situation.

ANT207: The Anthropology of Gender

Examines the linkage between biology and cultural constructions of gender.

ANT208: The Anthropology of Modernity

Examines the issue of modernity from an anthropological perspective and considers how it relates to the past.

ANT301: Physiological and Environmental Anthropology of Human Adaptation

This course seeks to understand human variation; ecological factors; biological and cultural response to heat, cold, altitude, diet, disease, and urbanization.

ANT302: Introduction to Social Anthropology and Ethnology

Introduction to the anthropological study of contemporary human societies.

ANT303: Traditional Khmer Medicine - A Case Study

This course seeks to understand traditional ways of healing as practiced in traditional and modern Khmer society.

ANT304: Southeast Asian Archaeology II

Examines the prehistory and proto-history of Southeast Asia, and its connection to Cambodia’s living past.

ANT305: Anthropological Theory in Contemporary Perspective

The course considers how anthropological theory and methods enhance our understanding of contemporary social and political issues.

ANT306: Food, Health, and Society

Introduces basic anthropological and sociological methods, concepts, and approaches to the study of the social and cultural dimensions of food.

ANT401: Human Biology of Asia and the Pacific

This course seeks to understand the human biology of prehistoric and living populations of Asia and the Pacific.

ANT402: Medical and Forensic Anthropology

Examines current research and techniques in the application of physical anthropology to legal investigations.

ANT403: The Ethnographic Imagination

Students are introduced to the theory and practice of “ethnography”- the intensive study of people’s lives as shaped by social relations, cultural images, and historical forces.

ANT404: Field Work in Cultural Anthropology - Theory and Methods

Major philosophical, theoretical, and methodological issues that arise in conducting cultural-oriented anthropological field work today.

ANT405: Field Work in Medical Anthropology:

Focuses on strategies of fieldwork and data analysis for identifying, sampling, and dissemination of findings to policy development and the understanding of cultural health belief systems.

ANT406: Archaeological Theories and Practice

History of theory in archaeology.

ANT407: Archaeology and the Public

Examines the ways in which the ancient past has been interpreted by political parties, national governments, and religious and ethnic groups living in the present.

ART101: Introduction to Art History

How art relates to society in Western and non-Western cultures, examining the major historical and contemporary approaches to judging art.

ART102: Survey of Eastern Art - Japan, China and Korea

An overview of the major artistic movements in East Asia, from ancient to modern times. The course will explore how these nations’ cultural and national identity have been shaped through their artistic accomplishments.

ART103: Survey of Eastern Art - India and Southeast Asia

The formation and development of Eastern Art in India and Southeast Asia, emphasizing the common artistic and cultural transformations that influenced both regions’ artists.

ART104: Survey of European Art - Classical and Medieval Art

This course examines the development of Classical and Medieval Art, tracing their origins while exploring their cultural and aesthetic significance to ancient Europe.

ART105: Survey of European - Art Renaissance to Modern

An overview of the major artistic developments from the Renaissance to Modern eras. Significant artists of each period will be examined in detail, comparing and contrasting their respective styles, influences, methods, etc.

ART201: Khmer Art

An examination of the historical roots and growth of traditional Khmer art. The course will also explore how contemporary artistic movements have evolved from traditional Cambodian techniques.

ART202: Buddhist Art

Significant trends and developments of Buddhist art from ancient to modern times will be examined, exploring how the philosophical nature of Buddhism is expressed through various artists, countries and time periods.

ART203: The Arts of Japan

This course will examine the various traditional arts of Japanese culture, tracing their development and highlighting their significance in the culture as a whole.

ART204: The Arts of China

Various visual arts from ancient China will be studied, along with their development and through centuries of cultural transformation.

ART205: The Arts of Southeast Asia

This course will explore the formation and development of various art forms in Southeast Asia, including Cambodian, Thai, Vietnamese and Indonesian art.

ART301: Renaissance and Baroque Art

The development of artistic modes of expression in Germany, France and Italy, from the beginning of the Renaissance period.

ART302: Neo-Classicism to Romanticism

An examination of the artistic period stretching from the Neo-Classicist to Romantic eras, including photography and academic studies.

ART303: Impressionism to Post-Impressionism

The development Impressionism to Post-Impressionism in France from 1850-1900.

ART304: Twentieth-Century Art to 1945

Examining the major artistic trends of the twentieth century, from 1900 through both World Wars. Various cultural and national trends will be examined.

ART305: Twentieth-Century Art from 1945

Examining the major artistic trends post World War II, emphasizing the artists who influenced and shaped contemporary art.

ART401: Art Theory

Consideration of historic and contemporary theories and aesthetic frames of reference whereby what has been, or is, identified as art is so defined.

ART402: Art Criticism

The various schools of contemporary critical thought will be introduced and explored, emphasizing the significant similarities and fundamental differences of these various approaches.

ART403: Cross-Cultural Visual Literacy

This course will explore the understanding of various cultures’ artistic achievements through the prism of nationality, culture, race, etc. An examination of how to ‘read’ works of art alien to our own culture and experience.

ART404: Art and Society

An exploration of the role that art plays in modern society, examining how artists influence the culture’s view of itself and how the culture, in turn, shapes each artist’s own particular vision.

ART405: Women Artists

Examining the significant women artists of historical and modern times, exploring how their art has been influenced, shaped and judged due to gender bias and expectations.

ART406: Arts in the World Market

This course explores art as commerce in the world market, examining how economic trends and international trade has affected how art is created, sold and judged on a global scale.

ASN101: Introduction to Southeast Asia

Explores the history, culture and politics of Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, among others, and their economic and political relations with each other.

ASN102: Introduction to Japan

Examines Japanese history, culture, economics and politics from ancient to modern times.

ASN103: Introduction to China

This course explores China’s role as a dominant force in world affairs, tracing the historical and social developments of the world’s most populous nation.

ASN104: Introduction to South Asia

Explores the histories and cultures of South Asia and their place in Asia and in the world.

ASN105: Introduction to Korea

Explores the history of the Korean peninsula from ancient to modern times, examining issues of culture and politics. 

ASN201: Southeast Asian Culture and Literature

An introduction to Southeast Asian culture in all its varied forms, as well as an overview of the major literary works from ancient and modern times.

ASN202: Japanese Culture and Literature

Exploring Japanese culture and literature from ancient to modern times, highlighting the major artistic movements from each period.

ASN203: Chinese Culture and Literature

Examining the culture and literature of the Chinese state, examining aesthetic, social and political ramifications through the ages.

ASN204: South Asian Culture and Literature

Examines the culture and literature of South Asia. The rich and varied history of the South Asia countries’ artistic achievements will be examined independently and in contrast with each other at various stages of development.

ASN205: Korean Culture and Literature

An introduction to the major movements and artists of Korean culture and literature from ancient as well as modern times, examining the impact of the Korean divide on its cultural works.

ASN206: Cambodian Culture and Literature

An overview of the major trends in Cambodian culture and literature, with emphasis on significant artists and the impact of war on cultural development.

ASN301: Democracy and War

An introduction to key concepts regarding the implementation of democracy in various global settings, as well as the inevitable outbreaks of war that disrupt stable societies.

ASN302: The Chinese Cultural Revolution

Examines the Chinese Cultural Revolution, tracing the roots of political and social discontent and the impact of the revolution on modern Chinese society and politics.

ASN303: The Religious Tradition of India

Explores India through the prism of religion, detailing the development and impact of various religious movements on Indian life from the distant past to the present.

ASN304: Buddhism in Asia and its influence in the Western World

An overview of Buddhism as a distinctly Asian philosophy and religion, followed by an examination of the Western world’s modern-day awareness and interest in its roots and practice.

ASN305: Colonialism in Asia

The impact of colonialism in various Asian countries. The historical and political justifications, reasoning and impact of colonialism will be examined in detail.

ASN306: Asia through Films

Cinema’s depiction of Asia. An examination of how Asia views itself, and how non-Asians render the Asian experience through film.

ASN307: Southeast Asian Art

A general introduction to the major artists, movements and trends in Southeast Asian art.

ASN308: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Arts

An overview of the major arts of China, Japan and Korea, examining their histories, aesthetics, differences and similarities.

ASN309: Khmer Art

The major artists and movements of Khmer Art will be examined from artistic, social and political angles.

ASN401: Nationalism, Internationalism and Cultural Identities

Cultural identity is shaped by how a nation views itself as a domestic entity, and how it views itself in relation to the rest of the world. This course will explore, through various cultural contexts, how nationalism and internationalism contradict and co-exist with each other.

ASN402: Islam in Southeast Asia

The history and impact of Islam in Southeast Asia as a cultural and political force.

ASN403: Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in Asia

Asian beliefs regarding gender, race and ethnicity will be examined through familial, cultural and political viewpoints, highlighting the inevitable conflicts, discrimination and acceptance.

ASN404: Asian Politics

An overview of Asian politics, focusing on common political ideologies and explaining significant differences in the implementation of various forms of democracy, communism, etc.

ASN405: American Influence in Asia

America’s influence in Asia, as an artistic, economic, political and military force that continues to shape the region’s cultural and societal future.

ASN406: Southeast Asian Politics

The politics of Southeast Asia, from past to present. Major political movements and key national leaders will be compared and contrasted with each other.

ASN407: Cambodian Politics

Cambodian politics as a unifying and dividing force in modern Cambodian life. From the Khmer Rouge to recent elections, this course will examine the reality of political parties, philosophies and methodologies in modern Cambodia.

BIO101: Fundamentals of Biology

A general introduction, for those not majoring in Biology, on basic aspects of the structure and function of living organisms, and how these allow organisms to co-exist and, over time, adapt to changing circumstances; it thus provides a selective overview of material covered in BIO111 and BIO112. Prerequisites: GSC101 and at least enrolment for GSC102.

BIO111: Cell and Molecular Biology

A general introduction to the fundamental properties of living organisms: the fact that they are made up of structural units, and that these have a variety of functions which, acting together, make possible the processes necessary for life. Prerequisites: GSC101 and at least enrolment for GSC102.

BIO112: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution

A broad survey of the variety of living organisms, together with general principles on how they interact with the environment (including each other); and how such interactions have in turn led to this diversity through the process of evolution. Prerequisites: GSC101 and at least enrolment for GSC102.

BIO201: Animal and Plant Biology

A survey of the diversity of plant life, followed by a survey of the diversity of'invertebrate' and 'vertebrate' (i.e. chordate) animal life, with emphasis in each case on how structural and other adaptations serve to aid survival and reproduction under particular environmental conditions. Prerequisites: BIO112 or BIO113

BIO202: Microbiology

A general survey of the diversity of microorganisms (especially 'bacteria', yeasts and viruses), their classification, functional organisation and life-styles – including their impact on ecosystems, in human health and disease, and in the biotechnological industry. Prerequisites: BIO111 or BIO113

BIO203: Genetics

General introduction to patterns of inheritance (dominant and recessive traits, etc.), and quantitative and population genetics of variation in gene pools. Prerequisites: BIO111 or BIO113

BIO204: Biochemistry

General introduction to the basic building-blocks of life, and how these are used to either assemble larger biomolecules with specific functions (e.g. form membranes, enzymes); or fulfill other roles related to these particular functions. Prerequisites: BIO111 or BIO113

BIO205: Physiology

General introduction to how different types of cells (tissues) are coordinated with each other to produce a variety of responses in an attempt to maintain or modify the body's functioning under varying external influences: mainly focussed on humans. Prerequisites: BIO111 or BIO113

BIO206: Ecology and Behaviour

General survey of the variety of behaviours shown by organisms (mainly animals), and how these have important functions in the individual's survival and the production of future generations. Prerequisites: BIO112 or BIO113

BIO207: Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology

A general survey of the structure and function of the human body, with emphasis on human anatomy and physiological principles at the cellular and systemic level. Prerequisites: GSC101 and at least enrolment for GSC102.

BIO301: Cell Biology

The functional organisation of a typical cell, including its constituent organelles (nucleus and nuclear membrane; mitochondria and chloroplasts; cytoplasmic membrane systems like the smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi; etc.), the cytoskeleton and the surrounding extracellular matrix, is considered. Prerequisites: BIO102 and preferably BIO204

BIO302: Biochemical Energetics

This looks at the basic mechanisms driving living processes. The processes underlying photosynthesis, where light energy is captured by plants to produce sugars, are considered; together with those used by various prokaryotes to trap chemical energy from their environment. The cellular pathways involved in the subsequent utilisation of these sugars by living organisms for anaerobic and aerobic respiration are also examined. Prerequisite: BIO204

BIO303: Applied Genetics and Gene Technologies

This considers genetic engineering of microorganisms for research and industrial applications; and the genetic manipulation of animals and plants. Prerequisites: BIO204 and preferably BIO203

BIO304: Comparative Animal Physiology

Consideration of how differences in their homeostatic mechanisms for maintaining a suitable internal environment allow different species of animals are able to occupy and breed in often extreme external environments. Prerequisite: BIO205

BIO305: Nutrition                      

This looks at the digestion, absorption and metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrate; the dietary significance of these components in humans and other animals; and the importance of micronutrients – minerals (macro elements and essential trace elements) and vitamins. Prerequisites: BIO204 or BIO205

BIO306: Ecosystems of South-East Asia

This provides a survey of the rich diversity of ecosystems in the region, from the surrounding seas to montane areas; including the intervening large drainage basins and their floodplains; and other habitats. Prerequisite: BIO206

BIO307: Tropical Crop Science

Culture techniques are reviewed for rice and other cereals, together with those for various fruits and vegetables. The emphasis is on locally-grown species. Prerequisite: BIO201

BIO308: Immunology

This looks at how the immune system serves as a series of defenses to protect the body against invaders, and covers topics such as innate immunity and haematopoiesis, T and B cell biology, monoclonal antibodies, cytokines, major histocompatibility complex and antigen presentation. Prerequisites: BIO102 and preferably BIO204

BIO311: Entomology + Pest Management

Entomology provides an introduction to the diversity of insects, and how they are adapted in their various ways to the environment in which they live. Pest Management describes the major insect and other pests in agricultural systems (especially post-harvest storage), and how to control them, especially by integrated pest management. Prerequisite: BIO201

BIO312: Soil Science

This looks at how soils can be analysed and classified according to their physical, chemical and biological properties; how soils are formed; and the factors which affect their quality. Prerequisites: BIO201 and preferably BIO202

BIO321: Fish Biology

A survey of how the most diversified group of vertebrates is adapted to occupy a wide range of (mainly) aquatic environments through anatomical, physiological and behavioural modifications. Prerequisite: BIO201

BIO322: Aquatic Ecology

This looks at the organisation and importance of ecosystems in various freshwater and marine habitats, as well as estuarine ones, with particular reference to those in the region. Prerequisite: BIO206

BIO323: Principles of Aquaculture

This considers important aspects of the design and running of a facility for the culture of fish or shellfish. Prerequisite: BIO201

BIO331: Regulation of Gene Expression

This considers how general aspects of genomic organisation and the structures and properties of DNA, together with changes in chromatin structure and the assembly of nucleoprotein complexes, influence gene transcription. Control of subsequent events - e.g. RNA processing, nucleocytoplasmic transport of RNA - leading to translation of messenger RNA is also considered. Prerequisites: BIO102 and preferably BIO204

BIO341: Terrestrial Ecology

The variety of ecosystems on land is surveyed, with particular reference to those in the region, from the point of view of their organisation and importance. Prerequisite: BIO206

BIO342: Community and Population Ecology

This looks at characteristics of animal and plant populations, including population growth and regulation, competition, predation, parasitism, and other intraspecific and interspecific interactions; how these change in space and with time; and the relationship between the complexity and stability of communities. Prerequisite: BIO206

BIO343: Pollution and Toxicology

This considers the major sources of environmental contamination resulting from human activity, and the consequences on organisms in the affected areas; and the principles of toxicology, including testing and risk assessment. Prerequisites: BIO206 and preferably BIO205

BIO351: Embryology and Developmental Biology

This course will introduce the complex sequence of events which underlies the processes of growth and differentiation from fertilisation to produce the adult body-form and variety of tissues; and the emerging picture of the genetic control mechanisms which are involved. Prerequisites: BIO201 and preferably BIO204

BIO352: Experimental Techniques in Molecular Biology and Genetics

This introduces students to some of the basic techniques used to study gene structure and function, and to analyse the pattern of gene expression and transmission in populations of organisms. Prerequisite: Registered to do a major in Molecular Biology and Genetics

BIO401: Topics in Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary thinking is important in understanding much about what known in Biology. A range of different aspects will be considered, from the molecular level to the global, to illustrate the power (and the potential pitfalls) of this thinking. Prerequisite: Registered to do a major in Biology

BIO402: Protein Structure and Function + Intercellular Communication

Protein Structure and Function considers selected families of proteins and how different aspects of their structure can be related to their particular roles in normal and pathological cell activity. Intercellular Communication looks at how particular classes of molecules are released from some cells and are then able to exert various effects on the functioning of target cells through sequences of actions mediated by way of membrane or cytoplasmic receptors on the latter. Prerequisites: BIO204 or BIO205 and preferably BIO304

BIO403: Neurobiology

This looks at the structure of the nervous system and how, at all levels, it is organised for the processing of particular inputs, with integration and transmission in order to generate specific outputs (ultimately in the form of particular behaviours). Prerequisites: BIO204 or BIO205 and preferably BIO304

BIO404: Biology of Cancer + Biological Clocks

Biology of Cancer considers what is known about the mechanisms involved in tumour-formation. Biological Clocks looks at clocks in the broadest sense, to include not only circadian, circalunar and circannual rhythms but also the ultimate clock which some consider to underly aging and natural death. Prerequisites: BIO204 or BIO205 and preferably BIO304

BIO405: Ecological Problems in SE Asia + Sustainable Utilisation of Natural Resources       

Ecological Problems in SE Asia examines various aspects of the impact of man on the environment in a regional context. Sustainable Utilisation of Natural Resources analyses current and likely future problems in our management of soil, water, minerals, forests, grasslands, and wild life with particular reference to the region. Prerequisites: BIO206 and at least one of BIO306, BIO322 or BIO341-BIO343

BIO406: Plant Ecophysiology + Parasitology

Plant Ecophysiology looks at various aspects of the regulatory processes underlying growth and reproduction; and how these allow adaptive responses to changes in the surroundings, as well as themselves being influenced by the environment. Parasitology examines the various major groups of parasites and how these are adapted to their specialised modes of life upon or within specific host species. Prerequisites: BIO201 and preferably BIO205 or BIO304

BIO407: Molecular Biotechnology + Applied Microbiology

Molecular Biotechnology considers the means by which recombinant DNA techniques and other molecular technologies can be used to produce genetically-modified organisms with traits considered to be more desirable for agriculture, for the mass-production of therapeutics, etc. Applied Microbiology looks at how microorganisms can be mass-cultured for various industrial applications, from the large-scale production of enzymes and other complex molecules to the use of microbes in bioremediation to clean up polluted environments. Prerequisites: At least two of BIO203, BIO204 and BIO205; and preferably also BIO303 or BIO331

BIO412: Horticulture + Forestry Practice

Horticulture considers the principles involved in the culture of a variety of different types of plants. Forestry Practice looks at the management of wooded areas with selective harvesting of timbers and other products. Prerequisites: BIO201 and preferably BIO307, BIO311, BIO312

BIO412: Plant Diseases + Diseases of Farm Animals

Plant Diseases surveys some of the main problems found in plants as a result of viral and other infections, insect infestations, etc., and how to treat them. Diseases of Farm Animals describes some of the main problems encountered with farmed mammals and birds, and how to treat them. Prerequisites: BIO201 and preferably BIO307, BIO311, BIO312

BIO413: Avian and Mammalian Reproductive Physiology + Plant Reproduction and Propagation Avian and Mammalian Reproductive Physiology looks at the control of reproductive development in male birds and mammals, the control of egg-production in birds and (together with the control of gestation and birth) mammals. Plant Reproduction and Propagation looks at the control of asexual and sexual reproduction in plants, and the practical implications of such knowledge. Prerequisites: BIO205 and preferably BIO304

BIO414: Food-Processing Technologies

This considers how foods can be treated after harvest in order to maximise shelf-life and ensure that they do not spoil but remain edible and safe to consume; together with industrial methods to manipulate flavour by chemical and microbial means. Prerequisite: BIO202

BIO421: Fish-Harvest Technologies of the Mekong Basin + Biological Oceanography

Fish-Harvest Technologies of the Mekong Basin describes the often ingenious methods which have been developped over the centuries in order to capture and thereafter hold fish from the rivers and also the Great lake of the Tonlé Sap. Biological Oceanography looks at physical, chemical and biological processes in the oceans, and how these affect the distribution and abundance of organisms. Prerequisites: BIO201 and preferably BIO306, BIO321, BIO322

BIO422: Reproduction of Aquatic Organisms

This looks at the physiological processes controlling the growth of the gonads and spawning, and how this knowledge may be used to manipulate breeding and raising of offspring in captivity. Prerequisites: BIO201, BIO205 and preferably BIO304

BIO423: Interspecific Associations of Aquatic Organisms

This considers the wide variety of relationships which can be seen in aquatic organisms, including symbiosis and commensalism; together with the main viral, bacterial, protistan and other diseases of fish and shellfish, and how these may be controlled. Prerequisites: BIO201 and preferably BIO321, BIO322, BIO342

BIO424: Fisheries Ecology + Coastal and Freshwater Management

Fisheries Ecology considers how our exploitation of a wide variety of aquatic organisms has had profound effects on the size and structure of their wild populations, which serves to illustrate a variety of different ecological features. Coastal and Freshwater Management looks at how these habitats may be overseen in order to minimise humanity's destructive effects whilst maximising economic returns. Prerequisites: BIO201 and preferably BIO321, BIO322, BIO342

BIO431: Comparative Biochemistry

This looks at how biochemical pathways, and thus the enzymes and other molecules involved, are modified in order to optimise function in different organisms exposed to differing sets of environmental conditions. Prerequisites: BIO204 and preferably BIO205, BIO304

BIO441: Forest and Wildlife Management + Ecological Restoration

Forest and Wildlife Management considers how to monitor areas of the environment and minimise the direct and indirect influences of human activity. Ecological Restoration looks at bioremediation and other approaches which can be adopted in order to clean up damaged environments and promote return towards the original state. Prerequisites: BIO201, BIO206 and preferably BIO306 or similar level 300 module

BIO442: Evolutionary and Conservation Genetics + Biogeography, Biodiversity and Bioprospecting Evolutionary and Conservation Genetics considers the implications of population genetics in the context of speciation through evolution, and species-preservation through conservation. Biogeography, Biodiversity and Bioprospecting looks at the ways in which species richness varies with location, and how such diversity represents a potential source of, for example, medicinal drugs. Prerequisites: BIO201, BIO203 and preferably BIO306 or similar level 300 module

BIO443: Environmental Monitoring and Risk Assessment

The use of toxicology and other scientific information to identify and assess the risks posed to the environment by human activities. Prerequisites: BIO206, BIO343

BIO491: Individual assignments

These may take various forms – for example, a literature search or laboratory research to answer a specific question. Prerequisites: registration to do a Biology major, and having completed all necessary modules at levels 100 to 300, at least.

BUS101: Introduction to Business
An introduction to the managerial process and the functioning of business; this course integrates findings of the behavioural sciences with classical quantitative systems and other approaches to business.
BUS201: Principles of Management

Overview of the major functions of management. Emphasis is on planning, organizing, controlling, directing, and communicating

BUS202: Information Systems in Business

Understanding of the principles of data processing and of the structure and operation of modern digital computers. Business applications of the computer are emphasized, including the use of personal computers.

BUS203: Business Law and Policy

Discussion of law and their application to business, including creating ethical business policies and practices.

BUS302: Manager’s Toolkit

Survey of the skills needed to be an effective manager, including computer skills, management skills, and organizational skills.

BUS303: Purchasing and Operations Management

Overview of the supply chain activities of supplier selection, management, and development, negotiation, and costing. Overview of operations manager's decision areas. Designing, controlling, and managing production and delivery of product or service to the customer.

BUSM304: Leadership Skills

This course provides a detailed examination of the skills and tools necessary to be an effective, respected leader.

BUS305: Fundamentals of Project Management

This course considers the different stages in project management, together with the underlying basic theories and principles.

BUS401: Small Business Management

Review of the challenges and techniques involved in managing a small business, including capital generation, succession planning, and quality of life.

BUS402: Operations and Logistics Management

Overview of operations manager's decision areas. Designing, controlling, and managing production and delivery of product or service to the customer.

BUS403: Project and Planning Control

Methods used in planning and carrying out business projects, including developing effective teams, scheduling, and delegating.

BUS404: Strategic Management

Concepts, tools, and approaches to understanding competitive forces and to systematically and consistently develop sustainable competitive advantages.

BUS490: Business Management Internship

This course provides the student experience in his/her chosen field of study. Through this experience, the student gains a practical understanding of work in the industry, experience on the job, enhancement of skills learned in the classroom, and contacts with professionals in the business world.

BUS495: Business Management Project Paper

The Project Paper will provide the students with the opportunity to find, research, design, implement, document, and orally present a project in the chosen field of study.

CHM101: Fundamentals of Chemistry

This provides a selective overview of the material covered in CHM111 and CHM112. Prerequisites: GSC101 and at least enrolment for GSC102.

CHM111: Basic Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

This includes states of matter, the electronic structure of atoms and chemical bonds; acids, bases and salts; molecular structure; generalisations from the periodic table; the laws of thermodynamics and their implications. Prerequisites: GSC101 and at least enrolment for GSC102.

CHM112: Basic Organic Chemistry

This considers the properties and preparation of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and aromatic compounds, together with the chemistry of selected functional groups involving halogens, oxygen or nitrogen. Prerequisites: GSC101 and at least enrolment for GSC102.

CHM201: Physical Chemistry I

This includes the gas laws and kinetic theory of gases, energy, enthalpy, entropy and chemical thermodynamics; equilibria and changes of state; Gibbs energy, chemical potential and reaction dynamics; half-reactions, oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions and electrochemical cells. Prerequisite: CHM101.

CHM202: Inorganic Chemistry I

This looks at the structures, redox and other properties, and typical reactions of the main-group elements (Groups 1, 2, and 13-18 of the Periodic Table); and trends in the chemical properties within a group and across periods. Prerequisite: CHM101.

CHM203: Organic Chemistry I

This considers functional groups further, together with their transformation and the synthesis of polyfunctional molecules, and reaction mechanisms involved. Prerequisite: CHM102.

CHM204: Analytical Chemistry I

This considers sample treatment and preparation techniques, together with analysis of the data obtained from selected extraction and separation technologies (including various forms of chromatography, electroanalytical methods, and capillary electrophoresis). Prerequisites: CHM101, CHM102.

CHM205: Spectroscopic Techniques and Their Applications

This considers the principles underlying various types of spectroscopy – e.g. mass, microwave, vibrational (infrared and Raman), electronic, and electron and nuclear magnetic spin resonance – and how these techniques can be put to use in research and industry. Prerequisites: CHM101, CHM102.

CHM206: Atomic Structure and Radiochemistry

This looks at what is understood about the structure of the atom, including as a result of the study of radioactivity; some commercial applications of radioactivity, and their implications, are also considered. Prerequisite: CHM101.

CHM301: Physical Chemistry II

This builds upon the material covered in CHM201. Prerequisite: CHM201.

CHM302: Inorganic Chemistry II

This looks at the chemistry of the transition metals, and includes crystal field theory, oxidation state stabilities and co-ordination complex formation; bonding in transition metal complexes and their geometries; and their physicochemical properties. Prerequisite: CHM202.

CHM303: Organic Chemistry II

This builds upon the material covered in CHM203 by looking at, for example, enolate reactions and pericyclic and heterocyclic systems. Prerequisite: CHM203.

CHM304: Analytical Chemistry II

This considers the use of radiochemical methods and various types of spectrometry – atomic absorption and emission, molecular absorption, X-ray, and electron and ion spectrometry – for analyses, and the range of potential applications. Prerequisite: CHM204.

CHM305: Molecular Thermodynamics and Quantum Chemistry        

This considers the nature of matter in the light of the Boltzmann-derived thermodynamic functions for ideal gases and the statistical interpretation of entropy, together with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the Schrödinger equation for simple systems, and other quantum mechanical phenomena; these principles are applied to interactions with light in a range of atomic and molecular spectroscopies. Prerequisites: CHM202, CHM205.

CHM306: Environmental Chemistry

This looks at the chemistry of the Earth's surface, including the hydrosphere and atmosphere; and the various impacts of man's various activities. Prerequisites: CHM201, CHM202, CHM203.

CHM307: Experimental Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

Prerequisits: Registration for Major in Chemistry.

CHM308: Experimental Organic and Analytical Chemistry

Prerequisite: Registration for Major in Chemistry.

CHM401: Polymer Chemistry

This looks at characteristics of different types of synthetic polymer; the processes underlying polymerisation; and their manipulation to optimise the physical properties of the product; development and production of special polymers for particular specialist applications. Prerequisites: CHM301, CHM303, CHM308.

CHM402: Materials Chemistry  

This looks at the structure and properties of metals, alloys, ceramics and polymers; the effects of imperfections, strains and stress on their failure; and the implications for their design and usefulness. Prerequisites: CHM301, CHM302, CHM304.

CHM403: Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces        

This looks into aspects of surfaces, including their physicochemical characterisation; adsorption, oxidation and corrosion; electrode potentials and electroplating; and catalysis, including the actions of enzymes. Prerequisites: CHM301, CHM302, CHM304, CHM305.

CHM404: Organometallics and Catalysis

This looks at the synthesis of organometallic compounds with main group and transition metals, their characteristic features and their importance in organic syntheses. Prerequisites: CHM302, CHM303.

CHM405: Industrial Organic Chemistry

This surveys the refining, fractionation and uses of petrochemicals, including petroleum, synthetic gas, and as one source for the production of lubricating oils, industrial aromatics, paints, soaps and detergents. Prerequisites: CHM302, CHM303, CHM308.

CHM406: Chemistry of Natural Products        

This looks at the chemistry and biosynthesis of selected naturally-occurring complex organic molecules. Prerequisites: CHM303, CHM308.

CHM407: Chemical Processes

This outlines some of the principles involved in designing, setting up and running a chemical production system. Prerequisites: CHM303, CHM308.

CHM408: Chemistry of Semiconductors

This looks at the electronic properties of materials, with particular reference to ‘bands’ in semiconductors and the effects of doping in semiconductors; and developments which have allowed the production of specialised semiconductor materials for particular purposes (for example – lasers, photodiodes). Prerequisites: CHM301, CHM302, CHM305, CHM307.

CHM491: Individual Assignments

This may take various forms – for example, a literature search or laboratory research to answer a specific question. Prerequisites: registration to do a Chemistry major, and having completed all necessary modules at levels 100 to 300, at least.

CHN101: Fundamentals of Chinese I

Introduction to pronunciation, reading, writing, conversation and grammar.

CHN102: Fundamentals of Chinese II

Second term of introduction to pronunciation, reading, writing, conversation and grammar.

CHN201: Intermediate Chinese I

Continuation from Fundamentals of Chinese II. Further development of syntax, grammar and sentence patterns, reading, writing and conversation.

CHN202: Intermediate Chinese II

Further development of syntax, grammar and sentence patterns, reading, writing and conversation.

CHN210: Intermediate Conversation

Emphasis on developing conversation skills through the use of everything that was learned and accumulated in previous foundational and intermediate courses.

CHN301: Advanced Chinese I

Study of modern spoken and written Chinese involving advanced patterns and expressions. Emphasis on reading, comprehension, vocabulary building and idiomatic usage.

CHN302: Advanced Chinese II

Study of modern spoken and written Chinese involving advanced patterns and expressions. Emphasis on reading, comprehension, vocabulary building and idiomatic usage.

CHN311: Survey of Modern Chinese Literature

Readings of representative works of the major literary genres in the Modern period.

CHN312: Chinese Civilization

Emphasis on the study and discussion of various aspects of Chinese civilization. Encompasses historical, philosophical, linguistic, literary, artistic, and scientific perspectives.

CHN401: Classical Chinese

Prepares students to read and understand classical Chinese, to gain basic knowledge of its vocabulary, grammatical structure and style that is different from modern Chinese. Introduction to various genres of classical literature: prose, poetry and other literary forms.

CHN402: Imperial China

Introduction to the classical civilization stressing the evolution of imperial institutions, the Chinese world order and China’s traditional cultural heritage.

CHN403: Modern China

Chinese society from the 17th century to 1949. Impact of imperialism, reform and revolutionary movements, the background of Chinese communism.

CHN404: Topics in Chinese Cultural Studies

Focuses on major aspects of Chinese culture from the classical period to the modern period. Topics will vary from class to class and from instructor to instructor.

CHN405: Classical Chinese Fiction

An in-depth study and examination of traditional Chinese fiction ranging from major works of fiction from antiquity through the Qing Dynasty. Special attention given to the stylistic and vernacular characteristics of representative works.

CHN406: Classical Chinese Drama

An in-depth study and examination of Yuan and Ming drama, ranging from the major works of Northern Drama, Southern Drama, to Peking Opera.

CHN407: Classical Chinese Poetry

An in-depth study and examination of traditional Chinese poetry, ranging from major works of poetry from antiquity to the Qing Dynasty. Special attention will be given to the textual analysis and literary interpretation of the large poetic body.

CHN408: The Chinese Revolution

Theory and practice of revolutionary socialism in the People’s Republic of China, historical and ideological background of the Chinese revolution, Mao and Maoism, politics, culture and society in China.

CHN409: Modern Chinese Literature

A survey of the principal works, including fiction, drama, essays, and poetry, of China beginning with the Republican era and continuing up to the present in the People’s Republic and Taiwan, with attention to social and political issues and literary theory.

CHN410: Chinese Cinema

An in-depth look at Chinese culture and civilization through films, focusing on works from the People’s Republic, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

CHN411: Chinese Calligraphy

Focuses on the history, development, artistry, and appreciation of Chinese calligraphy. Equal emphasis placed on hands-on practice in and outside of the classroom.

CHN412: Business Chinese

Prepares students to use Chinese for business purposes. Introduces a variety of written business forms in Chinese, examines business culture, practice and etiquette.

COM101: Interpersonal Communication

How interpersonal relationships are formed, maintained, and eventually, terminated. Both practical and theoretical implications will be examined.

COM102: Essentials of Public Speaking

The creation and delivery of speeches, with a focus on clear, logical organization.

COM103: Argumentation

A general overview of argumentation theory, including the construction of arguments, rebuttals, various forms of arguments, etc.

COM104: Elements of Organizational Communication

Examining how communication is developed and practiced in various organizational settings. Both public and private arenas will be studied.

COM201: Survey of Rhetorical Theory

Major rhetorical theories of ancient and modern times will be studied, including Plato and Aristotle, Marx and Freud, amongst others.

COM202: Communication Criticism

Analyzing and critiquing mass media (e.g. speeches, advertisements, newspapers) from various rhetorical angles.

COM203: Communication Theory

The study of meaning and thinking in communication. Areas studied include interpersonal, group and organizational situations.

COM204: Language and Behavior

How language and behavior are interconnected is the focus of this course, including the analysis and investigation of discourse, communicative relations, etc.

COM205: Intercultural Communication

The practice of intercultural communication, examining the link between communication and culture through various means, including the study of nonverbal native groups.

COM206: Argumentation and Debate

Techniques of debating and how to apply various argumentation principles to civilized discourse. Formal debates will compose part of the course.

COM301: Business and Professional Communication

The development of persuasive communication techniques in the business world, including the planning and development of various communication styles.

COM302: Persuasive Speaking

Effective public speaking skills will be stressed for use in various personal and professional situations, including how to deliver a powerful speech, use emotion, and maximize your language ability.

COM303: Conference Management

How to organize professional or business conventions and conferences. Programs development and decision making will be stressed.

COM304: Theory and Techniques of Interviewing

The practical use of oral communication in the interviewing process. Techniques and theories for successful interviews will be discussed.

COM305: Nonverbal Communication

Communication without speech, and the various means by which oral communication is conveyed in different settings.

COM306: Communication in the Classroom

Communication skills for use by teachers in the classroom, intended for those students planning to enter the education field.

COM401: Communication in Conflict Resolution

Conflict management from a variety of perspectives, including interpersonal, international and organizational viewpoints. Studying, and understanding, how to resolve conflicts effectively will be a focus of this course.

COM402: Gender and Communication

Examining the major communication issues that exist between males and females, including a study of the major theories and research associated with this topic.

COM403: Communication in Families

Family communication examined from various viewpoints – generational, cultural, and career issues will be explored.

COM404: Communication in Bargaining and Negotiation

Bargaining and negotiating as a way to resolve conflict, and the role played by communication in ending conflicts.

COM405: Communication Leadership

The major theories of leadership and the development of leadership skills as a means of conflict resolution.

COM406: Communication in the Multinational Organization

The communication patterns found in multinational organizational situations will be examined, with a focus on differing cultural expectations and the communication dilemmas that result from such misunderstandings.

DEV101: Colonialism and After

The historical problems and underlying questions relating to colonial era and its aftermath are considered, with particular reference to south-east Asia. Capitalism, from imperialist expansion through to modernity, and its effects on the indigenous populations are discussed, with reference to the evolution of the modern state.

DEV102: Understanding Development

This is an introductory course that seeks to understand the past and present theories of development, involving the approaches of several social science disciplines.

DEV201: Environment and Development

This course seeks to understand how people perceive and utilize the environment and how various processes involving the relationship between human beings and their surroundings either damage or protect the environment. The contribution of global governance at different levels, and of various interest groups, is also considered, with particular reference to their impact on North-South relations between states.

DEV202: Social Development 

This looks at key concepts in social development, as typified by coordination, competition, cooperation and culture; the impact of the feminist critique of development, together with the cost and benefit of development policies as they relate to gender issues; and what is involved in implementing a rights-based approach to development, together with the problem of cross-cultural interpretation of rights and how to determine whether the outcome is successful for poor and vulnerable groups.

DEV204: Aid and Development Projects 

This course deals with the nature of aid, and the factors which determine the forms that it takes; together with the importance and effectiveness of the 'aid project' in contemporary development work.

DEV205: Development Economics

This course provides students with an introduction to development economics, which includes economic performance and evolution of low-income countries. 

DEV301: Globalisation and Economic Development

This considers the impact of the world market economy on developing countries and their responses to the changing socioeconomic environment.

DEV302: Industrialisation and Industrial Policies

This looks at industrialisation and development: the role of the state, the market, transnational corporations and foreign direct investment; and the effects on the environment and the labour-force.

DEV303: Contemporary Development Planning

The aim of this course is to address contemporary planning issues

DEV304: Development Management

This considers various aspects of development management and the implementation of programmes and projects; and how development management differs from conventional business management or public administration.

DEV305: Utopian Societies and Other Alternative Development Strategies

This considers various alternatives to the standard thinking on development, including the role of NGOs; an extreme example, that of intentional, utopian communities is also examined.

DEV306: Development and the State

This consider the role of the state in development, in terms of the various forms of possible state intervention and their ideological underpinning; together with the impact of globalisation, humanitarian intervention, global governance, intellectual property rights, and the activities of NGOs.

DEV401: Field Research in Development

An introduction to the basics of doing field research in development.

DEV410: Field Study (6 credits)

This course provides internship training to students with an established and recognized local and/or international professional organization in Cambodia . The Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Chair of the Development Studies Department will make specific arrangements for the field placement, such that itselected to coincides with the student’s professional and academic interests. Students are expected to spend at least 16 hours a week (twice per week) at an assigned development organization under the auspices and guidance set forth by the College of Social Sciences and the University of Cambodia. To make use of the field study experience, students are required to submit one research paper (not to exceed 20 pages including references) focusing on a specific development issue (e.g., poverty and domestic violence) in relation to the context of Cambodia and the Asia-Pacific region upon completion of the internship program. 

ECN201: Principles of Economics

Strengths and weaknesses of markets and governments for solving problems of social organization or conflict, including policy response to inflation, unemployment, pollution, poverty, growth, etc.

ECN301: Statistics for Economics

Introduction to matrix algebra and statistics concluding with simple regression analysis. Other topics include: probability, random variables, density and distribution functions, estimation and hypothesis testing.

ECN302: Economics for Developing Areas

Problems and processes of economic growth and development, emphasizing less-developed areas.

ECN303: Price Theory

Producer, consumer, and equilibrium theories; mathematical techniques of unconstrained constrained optimization introduced and applied.

ECN304: Micro and Macroeconomics

Combined study of micro and macroeconomic theory, emphasizing basic models of growth, stability in employment and inflation, government spending, and monetary policy, as well as issues related to the production of goods and services.

ECN305: History of Economic Thought

Development of economic doctrines from pre-classical through contemporary economics. Contributions of individual writers and schools of thought.

ECN401: Economics and Law

Common law allocated mechanisms (contract and property law) as alternatives to collective intervention when markets fail; consideration of economic logic of law.

ECN402: Econometrics

Mathematical and statistical techniques used in estimating, predicting, and testing hypothesis associated with quantifiable economic relationships.

ECN403: Money and Banking

Economic principles applied to monetary analysis and policy and the banking structure.

ECN404: Urban Economics

Economic models relating to spatial location of economic activities and development of cities. Application of economic theory to problems and policies associated with housing, urban transportation, congestion, local government finance, and other urban problems.

ECN490: Economics Internship

This course provides the student experience in his/her chosen field of study. Through this experience, the student gains a practical understanding of work in the industry, experience on the job, enhancement of skills learned in the classroom, and contacts with professionals in the business world.

ECN495: Economics Project Paper

The Project Paper will provide students with the opportunity to find, research, design, implement, document, and orally present a project in the chosen field of study.

International Trade

The theory of international trade. Alternative approaches for explaining the pattern and terms of trade. An examination of the gains from trade and commercial policy. Included are issues of protectionism, economic integration and strategic trade policy.

Globalization and the World Economy

Analysis of global economic activities, interrelationships of resources, industry, trade and transportation in a global perspective.

EDC101: Principles of Education

The principles of education that create the conditions for learning. Learning theories that help the teacher become effective as his or her knowledge of the theories are put to test in classroom practice.

EDC102: History of Education

The beginnings of education and how it has developed through the ages. The study of the history of education in countries where  early civilization started and how this has influenced the patterns of the history of education in Southeast Asia and in Cambodia.

EDC103: Philosophy of Education

The philosophical theories such as realism, idealism, pragmatism, existentialism and other philosophies and how these could help educators improve the educative process such as the formulation of the objectives, the designing of curriculum, the methods of teaching and in many areas of learning.

EDC104: Psychology of Education

The study of both behavior and mental processes of the students and how these affect their learning. The socio-cultural environment is also studied.

EDC201: Sociology of Education

The influence of education on social institutions and other elements in society.

EDC202: Teaching Methodology

The methods of teaching and classroom management that bring about learning. These are the deductive method, the inductive method, the demonstration method, the lecture method, and other methods. Lesson planning is included in this course.

EDC203: Curriculum and Textbook Development

The process of organizing learning experiences for the learners based on their needs, abilities, and interest.

EDC301: Testing and Evaluation

Development of test materials and how to evaluate them.

EDC302: Intensive Classroom Observation (6 credits)

A course of observation of real classrooms and analysis of typical classroom events.

EDC303: Cognitive Development

A specialized look at the development of children’s cognitive abilities and how these relate to teaching method and material.

EDC304: Special Needs

Teaching children with special needs. This course looks at the various problems children experience in their school life with regards to learning. The basis of remediation of learning difficulties will be covered.

EDC305: Guidance and Counseling

Knowledge of the principles, theories, and practices of guidance and counseling in the teaching and learning setting.

EDC401: Intensive Teaching Practicum (9 credits)

An extended course giving students the opportunity to practice teaching in a real classroom.

EDC402: Non-Formal Education

Non-Formal Education and Education-For-All schemes are designed to provide adult literacy and education for those already out of school.

EDC403: Material Design for Primary Education

Production of curriculum based instructional materials that could enhance learning. This includes writing of syllabus and modules

EDC404: Uses of IT in Education

ENG101: College English

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the different techniques of academic essay writing. Students will learn the writing process by studying grammar, sentence structure, paragraph and essay structure. (Note: This course must be counted towards the General Education requirements of all students.)

ENG102: English Composition

The focus is on composition and formats of various written documents. The students will be introduced to various formats of letter-writing, essays, posters and articles. Various projects will also be included for students to sample the variety of English in the academic world. (Note: This course must be counted towards the General Education requirements of all Bachelor's students.)

ENG105: Practical English Language in Use

A general overview of English with a focus on fluency in all four skills. Vocabulary development, confidence in usage, and ability to deal with English in both formal and colloquial settings will be emphasized.
ENG106: Introduction to the Appreciation of Literature

Study of works representing the scope and variety of themes and types of literature. This course focuses on the reading of literature as enjoyment.

ENG107: The Written Language

In this course, the practical implementation of grammar in written language will require a large amount of written work to be produced. Writing in the business community, informal and formal written communication in the work place will be dealt with.

ENG108: Critical Reading and Writing

This develops the skills of discursive writing by exploring thought-provoking issues in the      news and feature-stories, articles and editorials.

ENG205: Practical English Language in Use Stage 2 (prerequisite: ENG105)

Continuing from where ENG105 left off, this course will provide more intensive practice on fluency in all four skills with vocabulary development.

ENG206: Practical English Language in Use Stage 3 (prerequisite: ENG205)

This is an advanced course in the practical usage of English which seeks to develop and/or upgrade reading skills. Skills of analysis, synthesis, paraphrasing and summarizing are also considered.

ENG208: Advanced Grammar and Usage

This aims at refining the students’ understanding of English structures and improving their ability to use English meaningfully and correctly.

ENG209: Spoken English

This is an intensive course concentrating on the aspects of spoken English which are most likely to cause communication problems. Students will participate in academic discussions, give brief presentations and learn pronunciation skills

ENG215: Critical Approaches to Reading Literature

This aims at a productive reading of literature through the examination of works from a variety of genres. It provides students with a basic critical vocabulary for the analysis and discussion of literature.

ENG216: Creative Writing

This covers the fundamentals of writing fiction and non-fiction, developing and supporting ideas and persuading an audience. Students will be offered intensive practice in every stage of the writing process from generating ideas to final proof-reading.

ENG218: Writing for Academic Purposes

Students will receive intensive instruction in academic writing and research. The course includes an analysis of the stylistic requirements for writing Academic English

ENG219: Business Communication

This covers writing in the business community, formal and informal written communication in the work-place, business report-writing, etc. Written English for marketing and advertising is also covered.

ENG220: Principles of Translation

This considers the principles and practice of translating from English to Khmer and vice versa.

ENG225: Literature and Society

This looks at how the literature of a period mirrors the contemporary society with examples from various regions and periods.

ENG226: Studies in Poetry

This involves the reading of poetry from different periods with the goal of learning how to appreciate and analyze different kinds of poems with study of tone, figurative language etc.

ENG227: Studies in Fiction

Representative examples of novels and short stories from different periods, emphasizing an understanding of the features and techniques of fiction.

ENG228: Survey of English Literature

This looks at a representative selection from English writers, from the Middle Ages to the present.

ENG229: Survey of American Literature

This looks at a representative selection from American writers from the 18th century to the present.

ENG232: Asian English Literature

This provides an overview of the major Asian writers using English as their medium, and English authors writing in and about Asia.

ENG305: Teaching of English as a Foreign Language

This is a specialized course for students considering teaching as career; it concentrates on  the methodology of teaching English as a foreign language.

ENG306: Principles of Education

Specific course for teachers moving into international style education, or with an interest in education management.

ENG307: English for Computing

This familiarizes students with the vocabulary used in computing from operating systems to virtual reality.

ENG315: English for Tourism

English for specific purpose with a focus on English used in the travel and tourism industry.

ENG316: English in Management

Specifically designed for those working in business or management. The course focuses on English in the fast-paced organizational settings, and both internal and external communication in such environments.

ENG317: News and Article Writing

Advanced work in writing news stories, profiles, features, and investigative stories.. Components of newsworthiness, examination of evidence, interview techniques, varied writing styles.

ENG405: Literature of the English Renaissance

Prose, poetry and drama of the English Renaissance, including Shakespeare, Milton, Marlowe, Bacon and Donne.

ENG407: The English Romantic Period

Poetry and prose of Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge and their contemporaries, with an emphasis on the Romantic spirit and the conception of self.

ENG408: The Victorian Period

Poetry and prose by Tennyson, Browning, Arnold and others, emphasizing literary,      social and political issues, and religious controversies.

ENG412: Asian American Literature

Poetry and prose by twentieth-century Asian American novelists and poets, with an emphasis on issues of immigration, race, displacement, identity and gender.       
FIN201: Introduction to Financial Management

Financial management from the viewpoint of the business manager emphasizing profitability, liquidity, and long-range financial planning.

FIN202: Introduction to Banking

Banking organizations, non-bank financial institutions, basic functions of banks. Principles and theories of banking. Recent developments and the effect of technological changes on banks, deregulation, globalization of the banking industry.

FIN301: Banking Laws

The legal principles relating to the banker-customer relationship, banking and other financial services provided by banks, including secured lending and investment advice and services, the operation of bank accounts, security.

FIN302: Commercial Bank Management

Treasury management of financial services institutions, management of a bank's own balance sheet exposures: liquidity and cash management, management of capital, supervision and regulation. The business environment, management processes, theories, models, skills and techniques. Management theory and practice relevant to banking institutions. Lending policies, investment policies, liquidity and capitalizations. Interest policies.

FIN304: Financial Intermediation

Theory of financial intermediation and the role of the financial intermediaries in economy, problems of financial intermediation in developing accounts, reasons for financial intermediation and necessary conditions to develop financial system.

FIN305: Bank Accounting

The basics of accounting, reporting financial performance, examining published accounts, methods of valuing shares and businesses, ratio analyses and cash flow statements are also covered in this course.

FIN401: Money and Banking

The definition and role of money in economic activity. Analysis of commercial and Central banking institutions. Examination of macro relations between financial organizations, and principle objectives of stabilization policy.

FIN402: Credit Analysis and Lending

Fundamentals of managing credit selection risk and underwriting risk; bank lending policies and procedures; loan pricing; creating loan agreements; monitoring loan performance; consumer and real estate lending; lending to large corporations; lending to small business.

FIN405: Risk Management and Insurance

Risk identification and measurement. Risk control tools, pricing of risk. The concept of risk insurance. Fundamentals of the insurance business, life and health insurance. Property and liability insurance contracts. Government regulation. International insurance and re-insurance markets.

FIN420: Public Financial Management

Methods used to manage public financial resources, including accountability, financial statements, and review procedures.

FIN490: Finance and Banking Internship

This course provides the student experience in his/her chosen field of study. Through this experience, the student gains a practical understanding of work in the industry, experience on the job, enhancement of skills learned in the classroom, and contacts with professionals in the business world.

FIN495: Finance and Banking Project Paper

The Project Paper will provide the students with the opportunity to find, research, design, implement, document, and orally present a project in the chosen field of study.

FRN101: Fundamentals of French I

Fundamental skills of speaking, comprehending, reading and writing.

FRN102: Fundamentals of French II

Fundamental skills of speaking, comprehending, reading and writing.

FRN201: Intermediate French I

Continued work in speaking, pronunciation, comprehension and writing.

FRN202: Intermediate French II

Continued work in speaking, pronunciation, comprehension and writing.

FRN210: Intermediate Conversation

Designed to develop basic conversational skills and to prepare for more advanced work in French courses.

FRN301: Advanced French I

Review of grammatical principles with regular exercises and composition work for the development of increased mastery of the written language.

FRN302: Advanced French II

Review of grammatical principles with regular exercises and composition work for the development of increased mastery of the written language.

FRN311: Survey of French Literature I

Survey of important French literary movements from the Middle Ages to the seventeenth Century.

FRN312: Survey of French Literature II

Survey of important French literary movements from the eighteenth Century to the twentieth Century.

FRN313: Advanced French Syntax and Composition

Special emphasis on the writing of short compositions and developing an awareness of French style.

FRN315: French Civilization

Significant aspects of French art, culture and social institutions.

FRN401: French Literature of the Middle Ages

Study of representative drama, poetry and prose of the period.

FRN402: French Literature of the Renaissance

Study of representative drama, essay, poetry and prose of the sixteenth century.

FRN403: French Literature of the Seventeenth Century

Study of representative drama, poetry and prose of the seventeenth century.

FRN404: French Literature of the Eighteenth Century

Study of representative writers and thinkers of the eighteenth century. Essay and prose.

FRN405: French Literature of the Nineteenth Century

Study of representative writers of the nineteenth century. Poetry and prose.

FRN406: French Literature of the Twentieth Century

Study of representative writers of the twentieth century. Drama, poetry and prose.

FRN407: Francophone Literature

Study of Francophone literature written outside of the Hexagon or by minority authors in France.

FRN408: Contemporary French Society

Acquaint students with the different aspects of French society.

FRN409: French Colonial Literature on Southeast Asia

French writers living in and writing on Southeast Asia during the colonial period.

FRN410: French Cinema

Acquaint students with the different movements of French cinema and its reflections on French culture.

GEO101: World Geography

Comparative and analytical analysis of representative regions of the world with emphasis on cultural, political, economic, environmental, and physical diversity.

GEO102: Introduction to Physical Geography

Examines the principles of physical geography, maps, earth-sun relationships, meteorological, hydrological, pedological, Aeolian, and glacial processes and regional landforms.

GEO103: Human Geography

Emphasizes systematic treatment of human activities on earth.

GEO201: Economic Geography

This course emphasizes classic location theory with modern extensions.

GEO202: Urban Geography

This course seeks to understand distribution, functions, and internal structures of cities.

GEO203: Transportation Geography

This course examines spatial patterns of personal travel, movement of goods, and public transportation system.

GEO204: Geography of Asia

Examines the distribution, exploitation, and conservation of physical and human resources, and ecology in selected countries in Asia.

GEO205: Climatology and Meteorology

This course focuses on the elements and controls of climate and the distribution of world climates; together with the earth’s atmosphere and its processes, weather forecast analysis and instrumentation.

GEO206: People, Land and Food - Study of Cambodian Agricultural Systems

This course seeks to understand how the natural and cultural milieu affects the Cambodian agricultural system.

GEO207: Political Geography

This course examines geographical factors in the national power and international relations.

GEO208: Hydrology and Oceanography

This considers various types of water-body and their environmental significance.

GEO301: Process Geomorphology

An examination of the various physical and chemical processes that operate at or near the Earth's surface to cause landscape change.

GEO302: Urban and Regional Planning

The geographic foundations of the modern city, development problems, and the trend toward megalopolis.

GEO303: Geographic Techniques and Methodology

Selected topics in various geographic techniques and methodologies and their application.

GEO304: Quantitative Methods in Geographical Analysis

A practical introduction to data sources and measurement, descriptive statistics, data collection, sampling and questionnaire design, field techniques, map use, computer use and data presentation.

GEO305: Social and Cultural Geography

Introduces the basic concepts of social and cultural geography, and the application of these concepts to a variety of topics.

GEO306: Environmental Geography and Conservation

Analysis of biophysical and human-geographic aspects of environmental modification associated with economic development and social change, with particular regard in developing countries.

GEO401: Topics in Advanced Physical Geography

Intensive study of selected topics from physical geography.

GEO402: Special Topics in Cambodian Geography

Examines the systematic analysis of the environmental and human processes that have shaped the regional landscapes of rural and urban Cambodia.

GEO403: Geography of Current Events

Application of basic geographic principles of the analysis of contemporary events in various parts of the world.

GEO404: Remote Sensing of the Environment

Analysis of satellite images and aerial photographs for studies of the environment

GEO405: Individual Field Research in Geography

Detailed examination and discussion of the methods of initiating and executing research projects in human or physical geography.

GSC101: Science Foundation I

This draws upon Physics, Chemistry and Biology to consider some of the key concepts in our understanding of matter, the universe and life as we know it; it also considers some of the social and other implications of such knowledge. (Note: This course must be counted towards the General Education requirements of all Bachelor's students.)

GSC102: Science Foundation II (4 credits)

Science is an experiment-driven discipline of proposing and testing hypotheses; this is an experiment-based course to illustrate, and expand upon, some of the topics covered in Science Foundation I. (Note: This course must be counted towards the General Education requirements of all Bachelor's students.)

HIS101: Cambodian History

This course provides a survey of Cambodian History from Pre-Cambodian History (680,000 B.C.) up to the fall of Angkor (1431). (Note: This course must be counted towards the General Education requirements of all students.)

HIS102: Colonial Southeast Asia

Surveys Southeast Asian civilizations at the outset of Western colonial rule; the colonial impact on the traditional societies of Southeast Asia

HIS103: Philosophy of History

This course takes a critical analysis of history as a discipline including an explanation of the nature and purpose of history.

HIS104: The Evolution of Western Ideas and Institutions up to the 17th Century

An introductory course to history as a discipline, and an analysis of the origins, early development and structure of Western civilization from the ancient world to the 17th century

HIS105: Modern Western Civilization: The Humanities in Context

This course examines the history of western civilization since the 17th century.

HIS106: Historical Research and Writing

Exploration of selected topics, featuring intensive reading, writing, and small-group discussion. This course introduces students to the craft of historical research and writing.

HIS201: Pre-Colonial History

This course examines the European expansion into Asia, focusing on Cambodian society as an illustration.

HIS202: Post-Colonial Cambodia (1954-1970)

This course examines the nationalist movement taking place in Cambodian society after the French withdrawal from Cambodia in 1953.

HIS203: Khmer People’s Republic (1979-1993)

This course seeks to understand historical strategic decision-making process among Cambodia’s leadership as an attempt to save Cambodia from communist interference.

HIS204: The Medieval World, 1100-1500

This course examines European society and culture in the later Middle Ages.

HIS205: The Modern Middle East

A survey of the modern Middle East and the Arab world in particular, its Ottoman background and the age of imperialism.

HIS206: The Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment

This course covers the period that leads directly to the French Revolution and surveys the social and economic role of Western Europe in the world of the 17th and 18th century centuries.

HIS207: Europe in the Nineteenth Century, 1815-1900

This course studies the Restoration Order and the forces of change; the revolutions of 1948; the unification of Germany and Italy; science and industrialization, and social change; growth of modern imperialism.

HIS208: Europe in the Twentieth Century, 1900-1945

This course studies the origins of World War I and the European states during WWI.

HIS209: Women in Asia - Effects of Imperialism and War

This course studies the lives of Asian women. It looks at the past and examines how changes have been brought about over the years.

HIS210: Early Modern China (1550-1800)

This course discusses the culmination of early modern China taking into account the development of centralized, bureaucratic, imperial state, and economic structure and activity.

HIS211: Reform and Revolution in China (1800-1949)

This course examines China’s attempt to adjust to the transformation in its economy, society, politics, and intellectual life as it establishes relationships with West and Japan at the end of WWII.

HIS212: Modern China - The People’s Republic

Examination of the attempt to create and foster the growth of a socialist state and society in China under the Chinese Communist Party.

HIS213: Contemporary Global Issues in Historical Perspective

This course examines key issues and events as they impact our contemporary world.

HIS301: The Khmer Rouge (1975-1979)

This course discusses the tragic history of the Khmer Rouge period and its consequences in Cambodian history.

HIS302: History of the Second Cambodian Kingdom (1994-Present)

This course takes a critical look at the reestablishment of the second Cambodian Kingdom and the role of the royal family in contemporary Cambodian society.

HIS303: Gender, Race, and Class in Cambodian History

This course examines the historical interplay of gender, race, and class in the lives of Cambodian women.

HIS304: The Renaissance Age

The interpretations of the Renaissance; the social, economic and political history of the Italian communes and state.

HIS306: Introduction to Islamic History:

An introduction to the early and medieval history of the states, societies, and cultures of the Middle East.

HIS307: Contemporary Europe, 1945-Present

This course examines the postwar world and the movement toward European integration.

HIS308: The Nazi Revolution

This course examines the causes, character and consequences of Hitler fascism in Germany from the 1920’s to World War II.

HIS309: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union

This course looks into how the Russian socialist revolution came into being, what kind of society it sought to create, and how this new society, the Soviet Union, developed and finally dissolved in 1991.

HIS310: Japan 1640-1945 - From Isolation to Empire

This course examines the forces in early modern and modern Japanese history which explain Japan’s ability to excel quickly from an era of feudalism to one of the major superpowers in the 20th century.

HIS311: Japan - World War II to the Present

This course examines the role of Japan in World War II; the American occupation; and the United States-Japan Security Pact.

HIS312: Asian American History

This course studies the Asian migrations to Hawaii and the continental U.S. by examining such issues as the reasons for migration, immigration legislation, and enforcement of Japanese internment camps.

HIS313: Disease and Health in History

This course examines the influence of disease on socio-political developments in different periods.

HRM201: Introduction to Human Resource Management

Introduction to the functions of human resource management, including employee selection, wage and salary administration, training and development, employee relations, and human resource planning.

INT101: Introduction to Global Politics

This introductory course explores and discusses power and contemporary international politics since World War II with emphasis on the role of the superpower.

INT102: Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and International Relations

This introductory course explores international politics with emphasis on framework of analysis, concepts and theories; together with the processes associated with diplomacy in establishing and maintaining relations between governments, and the advantages and challenges resulting from modern technologies.

INT201: International Relations in the Developing World

Various aspects - conflict and security issues, international economic relations - are considered in the context of their historical background and theoretical framework.

INT202: Geopolitics of Resources

This examines the relationship between geographical and geological factors and the international affairs of a state.

INT203: International Institutions and Global Governance

This considers the formation and evolution of international institutions, and their significance for global governance and the developing world in the areas of trade, investment, environment and development. The problem is addressed of how to get states to cooperate to their mutual benefit, despite the incentives to cheat.

INT204: International Law

This looks at the nature, function and role of international law in world politics.

INT301: International Politics and Security

Various models of international relations - realism, liberalism, institutionalism, and constructivism – are considered, as the basis for explaining major foreign policy events in the last century.

INT302: Cambodian Foreign Policy

This studies Cambodian foreign policy: objectives, approaches, problems and issues affecting Cambodian foreign policy.

INT303: American Foreign Policy

This course discusses American foreign policy: objectives, approaches, challenges, and issues shaping and/or influencing American foreign policy.

INT401: Special Topics in International Relations

These will be set, based upon topical issues which are evolving at the time.

ITE101: Fundamentals of Computing

This course provides all students with the fundamentals of computer science. Topics include basic concepts of computer systems, different types of application software (e.g. Word, Excel and PowerPoint). (Note: This course must be counted towards the General Education requirements of all students.)

ITE102: Introduction to Computer Programming C++

This course introduces the concepts and techniques of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) using C++. Key topics are specifications, functions,​ classes, inheritance, storage management and libraries. Prerequisite: ITE101

ITE103: Introduction to the Internet and Networking

This describes network structures and languages, the basics of the internet and TCP/IP, data communication, network architectures, communication protocols and the basic standards to create uniformity. Prerequisite: ITE101.

ITE104: Logic and Computation

This surveys the history of computers, mathematics designed for logic, digital logic, various types of input-output (I/O) media and devices, commonly used PC processors and storage devices, and control utilities and service programs, number systems, computer codes, and computer arithmetic. Explains the functions and usage of primary storage, CPU, ALU, CU and I/O systems.

ITE105: Computer Architecture

This course provides an in-depth understanding of the workings of modern digital computer systems. Topics covered include performance analysis of uniprocessor systems, instruction set architecture, hardware/software pipelining, memory hierarchy design and input-output systems; together with features of parallel computer systems such as memory consistency models, cache coherence protocols, and latency reducing/hiding techniques. Prerequisite: ITE104.

ITE106: Advanced C++ Programming

This course deepens students' understanding of the language and teaches them advanced techniques. Material covered includes inheritance, the ANSI C++ Standard Library, templates, I/O streams; and practical issues of C++ programming, such as reliability, testing, efficiency and interfacing. Prerequisite: ITE102.

ITE201: Fundamentals of Database and Information Systems

This provides the essential skills to design, create, and use an Access database, including relational database concepts, planning and creating a database, data entry guidelines, and working with forms, queries, and reports. Prerequisite: ITE102

ITE204: Data Structure and Algorithms C++

This is an introduction to some commonly used data structures and their applications using C++. Topics include abstract data types, object-oriented programming, stacks, queues, linked lists, sorting, binary search trees, heaps, and hashing. Students will be required to do small programming projects. Prerequisite: ITE102.

ITE205: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

An overview of the software and hardware for interactive computer graphics, including the implementation of device drivers, 3-D transformations, clipping, perspective, and input routines. Data structures, hidden surface removal, color shading techniques, and some additional topics will be covered. Prerequisite: ITE101.

ITE206: Web Development I (HTML)

This provides the basic skills to design and edit web pages using HTML to format text and colors, add links and images, and create lists and tables. Prerequisite: ITE101

ITE207: Fundamentals of  Computer Networking

This is an introduction to network architectures and protocols, with an emphasis on those used in the Internet: for example, application layer protocols, network programming, transport protocols, routing, multicast, data link layer issues, multimedia networking, network security, and network management. Prerequisites: ITE103, ITE105.

ITE301: Database Administration and Management

This provides an overview of database systems and their basic goals, functions and applications, including non-procedural query languages; conceptual modeling and mapping a conceptual model to a relational schema; and the relational data model. Prerequisite: ITE201.

ITE 302:  Software Engineering

This course focuses on the Objects paradigm in the language C++, allowing students to build on the concepts introduced to write their own classes and objects. Prerequisites: ITE201, ITE204.

ITE 303: Data Communications and Networking

This covers fundamentals of telecommunications, data transmission mechanisms, telecommunication media and technologies, considerations for LAN and WAN implementations, the Internet and intranet applications, emerging telecommunications technologies, and trends in the telecommunications industry. Prerequisite: ITE207.

ITE304: Operating Systems

Operating systems are central to computing activities, so that a user can interact with the computer hardware. Two primary aims of an operating system are to manage resources and to control users and software; thus design goals vary depending of user, software, and hardware criteria, and are often contradictory. Prerequisite: ITE207.

ITE305: Web Development II (ASP and ASP.NET)

This course teaches how to build dynamic database driven e-commerce web sites using the ASP programming language. Prerequisite: ITE206.

ITE306: Multimedia Systems and Techniques

This course includes manipulations of sound, color, and animation, interaction design and other elements. It introduces the multimedia possibilities of the web, with the creation of user-friendly web sites which include sounds, animation and 3D objects. Prerequisite: ITE 205.

ITE401:  System Analysis and Design

This course covers information systems in business, system planning, requirements analysis and user interface design; and includes different techniques such as construction of data flow diagrams and tools for prototyping. Prerequisite: ITE301.

ITE402: OOP-Programming (VB.NET)

This covers coordinating programming, analysis and design of applications. Topics include Visual Basic concepts (IDE), standard controls, control structures, variables, user-defined types, Visual Basic procedures and built-in functions, filing, and database programming (SQL, DAO, ADO). Prerequisite: ITE301.

ITE403: E-Commerce

This introduces the basic technology infrastructure and business issues to understand when analyzing the feasibility of e-commerce, together with a discussion of the business policies and strategic management, including the integration of the decision-making process and business ethics to come up with an appropriate information system strategy. Prerequisite: ITE305.

ITE404: Networking Administration I (Windows 2003)

This course is concerned with basic administration, management, and system monitoring in a Windows Server 2003 domain or workgroup environment, including how to manage accounts, resources and printers; how to monitor servers; how to manage disks and data storage; and how to recover systems from disaster. Prerequisite: ITE303.

ITE405: Advanced Database (Oracle)

This course is designed to give a conceptual understanding of the Oracle database architecture and a firm foundation in basic administrative tasks. Students will also learn how to create an operational database and perform tasks using the Oracle Enterprise Manager tool. Prerequisites: ITE301, ITE302.

ITE406: Networking Administration II (Linux)

This provides essential Linux and UNIX command line skills. Subjects include the Linux file​ system and how to manipulate it; the basic UNIX and Linux concepts of pipes, redirection, regular expressions, and other tools for performing complex tasks; the management of processes and jobs; the standard UNIX editor; and the ability to construct shell scripts to automate routine or difficult operations. Prerequisite: ITE303.

ITE407: Wireless Network and Technology

This course provides an overview of emerging CDMA and TDMA technologies, and the future of 3G networks. Prerequisite: ITE303.

ITE408: Telecommunication Systems Engineering

This considers the types of transmission lines and network connections, the electromagnetic spectrum and bandwidth in the emerging broadband era, the differences between analog and digital signals, multiplexing, and the various standards bodies and their roles in shaping aspects of telecommunications. Prerequisite: ITE407.

JPN101: Fundamentals of Japanese I

Introduction to pronunciation, reading, writing, conversation, and structure of the Japanese language.

JPN102: Fundamentals of Japanese II

Introduction to pronunciation, reading, writing, conversation, and structure of the Japanese language.

JPN201: Intermediate Japanese I

Further development of listening, speaking, reading, writing, communication, and structure of the Japanese language.

JPN202: Intermediate Japanese II

Further development of listening, speaking, reading, writing, communication, and structure of the Japanese language.

JPN301: Advanced Japanese I

Study of modern spoken and written Japanese involving advanced patterns and expressions. Emphasis on reading, comprehension, vocabulary building and idiomatic usage.

JPN302: Advanced Japanese II

Study of modern spoken and written Japanese involving advanced patterns and expressions. Emphasis on reading, comprehension, vocabulary building and idiomatic usage.

JPN311: Advanced Spoken Japanese I

Advanced study in modern spoken Japanese and Japanese communication.

JPN312: Advanced Spoken Japanese II

Advanced study in modern spoken Japanese and Japanese communication.

JPN313: Japanese Language, Culture and Communication

Study of Japanese language and culture through sociolinguistic perspectives. Exploration of the interrelationship between the language and culture by focusing on verbal and nonverbal communicative behaviors.

JPN314: Selected Readings in Japanese

Readings from a selection of contemporary written materials including literary works, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reports, instructional and technical explanatory materials.

JPN401: Japanese Civilization

Introduction and exploration of characteristic features of Japanese civilization and culture through studying selected topics and themes in fields such as arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences.

JPN402: Topics in Japanese Cultural Studies

Selected topics to further understand Japanese culture and society dealing with intercultural differences.

JPN403: Readings in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature

Readings of representative works of modern and contemporary Japanese literature including short stories, novellas, diaries, memoirs, poetry, and excerpts from novels and plays.

JPN404: Japanese Poetry and Poetic Prose

Readings of representative works of Japanese poetry and poetic prose. Emphasis on forms and motifs.

JPN405: Japanese Narrative Literature

Reading of representative works of Japanese narrative literature including biographical stories, poem tales, war tales, and popular stories.

JPN406: The Tale of Genji

Careful reading of one of the most famous Japanese tales.

JPN407: Japanese Theater

A study of traditional forms of Japanese theatre. Includes noh and kyogen, kabuki, puppet theatre, and contemporary theatrical use of the traditional forms.

JPN408: Japanese Cinema

A study of Japanese culture and values through the films of celebrated Japanese film makers.

JPN409: Business Japanese

Prepares students to use Japanese for business purposes. Introduces a variety of written business forms in Japanese, examines business culture, practice and etiquette.

JRN101: Introduction to the History of Mass Communications

Radio, magazine, newspapers and television will be examined from a contemporary and historical standpoint, in addition to examining the role of public relations and advertising in mass communications.

JRN102: Introduction to Journalism

Journalism’s history and method, focusing on how modern reporting in many forms of media has been influenced by the developments and practice of previous generations of journalists and their employers.

JRN103: News Writing

Writing for magazines, television, newspapers and other media forms, with a focus on writing and reporting various types of stories.

JRN201: Feature Writing

Students will learn how to write professional, readable material for magazines and newspapers, emphasizing quotes, ideas, human interest, organization, etc.

JRN202: Photojournalism

How professional photojournalism is created and practiced, emphasizing feature photos, story ideas, and the use of photo editing in various media.

JRN203: Editorial Graphics

Students gain experience in printed material design through the examination of principles, theories and contemporary page design techniques. Using illustrations, photographs, type and graphs students will become familiar with the roots and practice of publication design.

JRN204: Journalism as Literature

Examines great journalistic work of the last 2000 years, from Plato and Caesar through Swift, Twain, Crane, Camus, Mencken, etc.

JRN205: News Reporting

The study of different types of stories through a focus on news writing and reports.

JRN301: Advanced Publication Writing and Reporting

Course focuses on news reporting and writing, including study of different types of stories.

JRN302: Reporting Public Affairs

Investigative reporting will be studied through an examination of country, state, and Federal government, as well courts, city and police affairs.

JRN303: TV News Writing

The creation of news and feature stories through the learning of various techniques, including gathering information, selecting sound clips, choosing video, etc.

JRN304: Photography for Publication

Through their own stories and those assigned by the instructor, students will practice the techniques of newspaper photography.

JRN305: Radio News Writing and Reporting

How news is gathered, composed and delivered in the radio format, including for feature stories and everyday news.

JRN306: Publication Editing and Makeup

The various methods involved in the publication of magazines and newspapers will be examined, including legal problems, page design, headline writing, photographs, wire service material, editing, etc.

JRN401: Advanced Photojournalism

Photojournalism examined in all its various aspects as applied to the professional field, including layout, ideas, story creation for newspapers and magazines, etc.

JRN402: Radio News Production

The production of radio news, emphasizing production techniques as well story composition, from the reporting, writing and editing stages to on-air delivery.

JRN403: Television News Production

The creation of stories for student television programs through the various stages of production: scripting, shooting, editing, etc.

JRN404: Theories of Mass Communication

How various theories of mass communication can be applied to dilemmas faced in the modern media world.

JRN405: Investigative Reporting

The writing of complex pieces on crime, pollution, poverty, etc., with course instructor acting as “editor” to the students’ “reporter” role.

JRN406: Senior Media Production

Students work as photographers, writers, broadcasters and editors on publications produced by the university.

JRN407: Law and Mass Communications

Press, television and radio laws will be examined through case studies, focusing on libel, privacy, contempt, taxation, etc.

JRN408: Ethical Problems of the News Media

How the production and presentation of news is guided by ethical decisions made by practicing journalists. The value systems and philosophical roots of various codes will be studied.

JRN498: Internship

Through work at a TV, radio or production company, students will gain writing and editorial experience. Evaluated by professional supervisors, students’ progress and difficulties will be discussed at regular meetings with an on-campus instructor.

JRN499: Special Projects

Meeting weekly with a designated instructor, students conduct research in journalism and its related fields, including public relations, magazines, newspapers, advertising, TV, etc.

KHM101: Fundamentals of Khmer I

Introduction to pronunciation, reading, writing, conversation and grammar.

KHM102: Fundamentals of Khmer II

Introduction to pronunciation, reading, writing, conversation and grammar.

KHM140: Khmer Culture

Introduction and exploration of characteristic features of Khmer civilization and culture through the study of selected topics and themes in fields such as arts, humanities and social sciences. (Note: This course must be counted towards the General Education requirements of all students.)

KHM201: Intermediate Khmer I

Continuation from Fundamentals of Khmer II. Further development of syntax, grammar and sentence patterns, reading, writing and conversation.

KHM202: Intermediate Khmer II

Further development of syntax, grammar and sentence patterns, reading, writing and conversation.

KHM210: Intermediate Conversation

Emphasis on developing conversation skills through the use of everything that was learned and accumulated in previous foundational and intermediate courses.

KHM301: Advanced Khmer I

Study of spoken and written Khmer involving advanced patterns and expressions. Emphasis on reading, comprehension, vocabulary building and idiomatic usage.

KHM302: Advanced Khmer II

Study of spoken and written Khmer involving advanced patterns and expressions. Emphasis on reading, comprehension, vocabulary building and idiomatic usage.

KHM311: Advanced Spoken Khmer

Emphasis on developing conversation skills through the use of the everything that was learned and accumulated in previous advanced Khmer courses.

KHM312: Khmer Language, Culture and Communication

Study of the Khmer language and culture through sociolinguistic perspectives. Exploration of the interrelationship between the language and culture by focusing on verbal and nonverbal communicative behaviors.

KHM313: Selected Readings/Writing in Khmer

Readings from a selection of written materials including literary works, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reports, instructional and technical explanatory materials.

KHM402: Khmer History (Pre-Angkorian to 1953)

Exploration of Khmer history and politics from the Pre-Angkorian period to the country’s independence from France in 1953.

KHM403: Khmer History (from 1953 to Present)

Exploration of Khmer history and politics from 1953 to the present.

KHM404: Folk Literature

Understanding of Khmer culture through the study of folk and popular literature. Significance of myths, fables, fairy tales, and the implication of morality.

KHM405: Khmer Verse

Reading of representative work of Khmer poetry. Emphasis on forms as well as subject matters. Students also learn how to compose their own poems.

KHM406: Pre-Angkorian and Angkorian Literature

Reading of representative literary works dating from the Pre-Angkorian and Angkorian period.

KHM407: Post-Angkorian Literature

Reading of representative literary works dating from the Post-Angkorian period to 1953.

KHM408: Khmer Literature from 1953 to Present

Reading of representative literary works from 1953 to the present.

KHM409: Khmer Performing Arts

Exploration of Khmer performing arts through the study of Khmer classical dance and music. Several field trips will take place in this course.

LAW101: Introduction to Law

This course considers the basic principles of Law and how Law works in society. It focuses on laws that have a practical impact on most people’s everyday lives; and it aims to provide an understanding of the legal rights and obligations that are applicable to common problems and issues.

LAW102: Constitutional law

This course aims to enlighten Law students and others about the basic principles of Cambodian law, including the institution of monarchy, together with the legislative, executive and constitutional council institutions and the role of the judiciary.

LAW103: Civil Law

This considers theories regarding good faith and force majeure or change of situation, and mistakes in expression of intent; real rights, including comparisons of real property transaction contracts (legal issues relating to mortgage and real property mortgage right, system for real property registration); and legal issues relating to marriage and succession (e.g. research on marriage agreements, legal issues in relation to acting mothers).

LAW104: Labor Law

This considers the three regimes that regulate one of the fundamental aspects of our society; the employer-employee relationship in Cambodia today; and the historical, economic and sociological forces underlying these regimes. The course emphasizes the status of the parties, the nature of the employment relationship, the scope of management rights, prohibited discriminatory practices in the workplace, and the bases and modes of redress for discipline and dismissal from employment.

LAW105: Contract Law

This course has been developed for experienced personnel involved with the acquisition process. The course provides the participants with the legal and regulatory requirements for Government contracts, and reviews the legislative directions and guidance, as well as, decisions and precedent-setting cases. The course is based on actual legislation and the contract clauses that have been subject to scrutiny and interpretation by the courts.

LAW206: Family Law

Analysis of the legal principles regulated the rights and responsibilities of the members of the family. Areas covered include constitutional power, marriage, marriage contracts, child neglect and abuse, custody and access, guardianship, adoption, separation, divorce, nullity, spousal and child maintenance, matrimonial property. Stress is placed on the process of family law and an examination of an appropriate role for lawyers and judges in relation to family law and domestic violence problem.

LAW207: Business Law

This is becoming increasingly important as Cambodia’s economy develops. For example, foreign business people will engage in trade with Cambodia only if they are confident that their investment will be protected by a well-developed rule of law; and Cambodians need to be aware of the relevant legislation in order to negotiate with these foreigners. This course considers business law not only from the perspective of the legal traditions of Cambodia (arising from four sources: traditional/customary Cambodian law; laws from the Kingdom of Cambodia; law passed by the state of Cambodia; and UNTAC law), but also those of other states. Thus, it draw attention to the largely uncontrollable social and cultural forces influencing international environments today, and thus the changes that have taken place in the overseas business arena.

LAW208: Criminal Law

This course examines the traditional general issues in the substantive criminal law, including the purposes of punishment, the requirements of act and mental state, complicity, causation, justification, and excuse. It stresses the difficulty of converting moral judgments of blameworthiness and psychological questions about deterrence into coherent positive law; and the relationship between statutory criminal law and its common law and normative bases.

LAW211: Public International Law

This looks at the history of international law and how theories of international law have evolved. Various aspects are considered, including theories on the law of treaties and international treaties; the theory and practice of recognition and succession in international law, international human rights law and its evolution; the Law of the Sea, and of air-space and outer space; diplomatic and consular law; law and international organizations, including the United Nation; and the resolution of international disputes, including analyses of judgment on cases by the United Nations International Court.

LAW309: Administrative Law

This course deals with law and litigation connected with the public bureaucracy at all levels: commune, district, municipal and state. An examination of the nature and development of the Cambodian administrative process include the making of the rules and regulations; policy directives and other internal government controls; and judicial review of decisions and rules of public authorities including procedural fairness, review of scope and correctness of decisions, remedies, and implications of the right and freedom.

LAW315: International Trade and Policy

This looks at the main international trade organization-for example, the World Trade Organization (WTO), international Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB) - and their role in the global trade arena. Not only the structure, functions, membership etc, will be considered; but also the attendant legal problems involved in international trade and business.

LAW406: Intellectual Property

This course has a view to provide students with the main forms of intellectual property including patents, trademarks, copyright and other related rights. Students will have an opportunity to debate on the issue of whether or not intellectual property rights should be maintained in the case of Cambodia and the domino effects of protection of intellectual property rights in the world.

LAW411: Land Management and Urban Law

This is a complex field because it is not covered by any one body of law. Students will learn how to find and apply the relevant laws, to identify and analyze emerging trends, and to reach development and conservation objectives through alternative approaches. This is a bouillabaisse course – strong on the importance of planning, zoning, and subdivision regulations, with hints of other flavors, including sustainable development, the new urbanization, smart growth, growth management, historic preservation and others.

LAW412: Advanced Administrative Law

This course will provide an overview of an examination of the nature and development of the Cambodian administrative process, including the making of the rules and regulations; policy directives and other internal government controls; and judicial review of decisions and rules of public authorities including procedural fairness, review of scope and correctness of decisions, remedies, and implications of the rights and freedoms.

LAW413: Civil Procedure

The basic understanding of Civil Procedure focuses on the purpose of Civil Action, the obligations of court, the obligations of parties, the court’s jurisdiction, the structure of courts, the capacity to be party, the capacity to litigate costs, and the security under litigation. The proceeding at the court of first instance, the appellate court and the Supreme Court including filing a lawsuit, arguments, rule of evidence, interruption and suspension of litigation, judgment and execution are also introduced.

LAW414: Baking Law

The course covers the legal principles relating to the banker-customer relationship, banking and other financial services provided by banks, including secured lending, banking ability and investment advice and services, the operation of bank accounts, security.

LAW416: Criminal Law and Procedure

Criminal conduct and the law’s treatment of it is examined for a limited range of criminal offences. The designation of human conduct as criminal and a consideration of the social, political and culture forces involved; the development of selected laws and the criminal process in Cambodia, and its embodiment into the criminal code; the substantive elements of a criminal offence including both physical and mental elements; procedural, tactical, ethical and evidential problems associated with criminal prosecution at both the pre-trial and trial stages; the sentencing process; and the position at law of the victim.

LAW417: Diplomatic Law

This considers the protection, and its limits that international law has set to diplomacy (defined as the conduct of relations between states and other entities with standing in world politics by official agents and by peaceful means) and its actors. This module also covers the specific diplomatic law rules and various cases that have played an important role in the development of diplomacy. Special attention is given to the effects the recent changes in the international arena have had on diplomatic law and the various topical issues that have arisen in recent years.

LAW418: Private International Law

This course begins with the definition of private international law, its sources, its nature, general theory of law conflict, analysis of evidence base, schools concerning the theory of conflict of jurisdiction and types of the latter. The course also tackles the general theory of nationality in terms of its definition, its types, reasons for obtaining and losing it.

LAW419: Public Function Law

This course is to equip students with a basic understanding of public service including how government official is recruited and resigned from public function, accomplishment of work by civil servant in public function. The basic understanding of the differences of the work in private sector and public sector and the rights and public institutions of civil savants are exposed.

LAW420: Human Rights Law

This considers the ideas which underpin the concept of universal human rights, their potential scope (e.g. the unborn, minorities, animals), and their implications-for example, the need to reconcile situations where the rights of different individuals are at odds, or other is a contradiction between different rights.

LAW421: Research Writing (6 credits)

Students are required to work under the close supervision of a legal research and writing instructor, learning the techniques of legal library research, writing legal memoranda, drafting documents, preparing a brief, and arguing orally before a judge.

LAW430: Advanced International Law

This course provide students with the understanding of the formation and evolution of international institutions, and their significance for global governance and the developing word in the areas of trade, investment, environment and development. The issue of how to get states to cooperate to their mutual benefit, despite the incentives to cheat, will also be addressed.

LNG101: Introduction to the World’s Languages

The cultural, political, historical and social roles played by the world’s languages. Both the written and spoken forms of language will be examined.

LNG102: Introduction to Linguistics

A general introduction to the nature of language, the structure and processes of change, contrasts and relationships, language universals and its overall relation to culture.

LNG103: Introduction to Language Acquisition

An introduction to the acquisition of first and second languages, exploring how various semantic, syntactic, phonological and pragmatic aspects of language are developed. Also examined will be the social and cultural factors on the individual.

LNG201: Phonetics and Phonology

Examining the phonology of American English. Phonemic, articulatory phonetic and distinctive feature analyses will be used.

LNG202: Introduction to Syntax and Semantics

A general introduction to the morphology and syntax of American English, using structural, transformational and recent models. The study of meaning in language will also be explored.

LNG301: Psychology of Language

Study of the various psychological theories concerning how language is structured, developed and used.

LNG302: Mathematical Linguistics

An examination of a variety of mathematical tools used in linguistics, such as formal semantics, grammar formations, computational linguistics, etc.

LNG303: Experiments on Language

Explores various means and methods of interpreting language in different situational contexts, through the use of linguistic experiments and practical application.

LNG304: Language Use and Gender Relations

This course examines how language is socially constructed according to gender. Examines how language defines and shapes the relations between males and females.

LNG305: Language and Culture

An examination of how language is shaped by, and influences, the culture out of which it develops. Also explores how cultural developments continually change and modify language.

LNG306: Language, Mind, and Brain

An exploration of the neurological roots of language development, and the role the mind and the brain play in language capacity and capability.

LNG307: Structure of the Cambodian Language

An examination of the grammatical nature of the Cambodian language, focusing on structure and its development over time.

LNG401: Phonology

The study of phonology, using articulatory phonetic, phonemic, and distinctive feature analyses.

LNG402: Syntax

A study of syntax using structural, transformational and recent models.

LNG403: Morphology

The internal construction system of words will be studied, including grammatical inflection processes, how new words are formed from existing words, and the marking categories of person, tense and cases.

LNG404: Phonetics

The various aspects of speech will be studied. Acoustic properties, articulation and the formation of syllables, words and sentences will be explored.

LNG405: Semantics

How meaning is interpreted in language will be examined, exploring how language structures independent of their tradition conditions of use.

LNG406: Language and Cognition

The differences between ‘willing’ or ‘feeling’ a concept, and the process of ‘knowing’ a concept, will explored, stressing how language interprets and articulates these differences.

LNG407: Semiotics and Language

Examining how and why specific signs pertain to language use, including the study of structure, behavior and signs.

LNG408: Applied Linguistics

Exploring how language related problems in diverse scholastic, familial and community situations can benefit from the results of linguistic research.

LNG409: Sociolinguistics

Examining how the particular social relationships that exist between individuals usually involve specific linguistic features. The sociological aspects and linguistic categories will be studied.

MKT201: Fundamental of Marketing

Development and history of the marketing concept, focusing on the business building blocks. Importance of marketing and the four main variables that marketers are concerned with, namely Price, Product, Promotion and Distribution.

MKT401: International Marketing

Introduction to international marketing and aims to develop knowledge of the international environment, marketing and business practices.

MKT402: Customer Relationship Management

Explains the circular relationship between suppliers, technology, and customers, which together provide the infrastructure for customer support in an e-business environment.

MKT404: Marketing Management

Market segmentation, product service, promotion, channel, pricing strategies. Marketing principles in consumer and industrial markets, profit and nonprofit organizations, domestic and international companies, and small and large firms.

MKT405: Advertising

A survey of advertising theory, techniques, and applications. This course includes targeting specific markets, determination of promotional strategy and media, applicable communication theory, management and evaluation of advertising campaigns, the technical aspects of layout and design, and writing copy.

MKT490: Marketing Internship

This course provides the student experience in his/her chosen field of study. Through this experience, the student gains a practical understanding of work in the industry, experience on the job, enhancement of skills learned in the classroom, and contacts with professionals in the business world.

MKT495: Marketing Project Paper

The Project Paper will provide the students with the opportunity to find, research, design, implement, document, and orally present a project in the chosen field of study.

MTH100: Quantitative Methods

A course designed for the non-specialist. The course treats fundamental quantitative methods and how they are used in real life. For example, straight line graphs and their equations are applied to predictions (regression) and product mix (linear programming). Basic statistical measures and concepts and their practical use are given broad treatment.

MTH110: College Algebra

Literal expressions, variables, equations, factoring, laws of exponents, straight line graphs, quadratic equations and parabolas.

MTH111: Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry

Circular functions, triangle relationships, identities, inverse trig functions, vectors, complex numbers. Cartesian coordinates, equations of functions. Prerequisite: MTH110 or equivalent.

MTH112: Calculus I 

Functions of a single variable. Differential calculus: limits; continuity; the derivative and applications; extrema; Integral Calculus: the definite integral; fundamental theorem of calculus. Prerequisite: MTH111 or equivalent.

MTH113: Calculus II

Further integration: indefinite integral; techniques and applications of integration; sequences, series, convergence tests, power series; parametric equations; polar coordinates; gradients. Prerequisite:MTH112 or equivalent.

MTH120: Introductory Statistics

Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Distributions: binomial and normal. Raw and standard scores. Correlation and Regression. Price indices and seasonal adjustment. Sampling: confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: MTH110 or permission of the instructor.

MTH190: Set Theory and Logic

Operations with sets: Venn diagrams, fuzzy sets. Boolean algebras. Symbolic Logic: truth tables, conjunction and disjunction; Aristotelian and fuzzy logics. Nature of proof: deduction and induction; proof by mathematical induction. Prerequisite: MTH111 or instructor’s consent.

MTH214: Calculus of Several Variables

Partial differentiation, Maxima and minima of functions of several variables, the Jacobian matrix, and integral theorems of vector calculus. Multiple integration. Line integrals. Prerequisite: MTH113.

MTH240: Mathematics of Finance

Applications of Mathematics to Business and Finance: compound interest, annuities, present value, repayment of loans, continuous compounding and exponential growth. Common and Natural Logarithms and their applications. Prerequisite: MTH113

MTH250: History of Mathematics

Development of mathematics, emphasizing underlying principles and motivations. Prerequisite: MTH113.

MTH315: Theory of Analysis

Rigorous treatment of calculus of single and several variables. Topics include topology of the real line, uniform continuity, metric spaces, Riemann integral, implicit function theorem, and integral theorems of vector calculus. Prerequisites: MTH113, MTH190, MTH343.

MTH316: Vector Analysis

Mathematics related to Physics: Vector, scalars, dot and cross products, vector projections. Vector equations of lines and planes. Line integrals and multiple integration. Div, grad, curl. Green’s theorem. Stokes’ theorem. Prerequisite: MTH214

MTH318: Advanced Calculus

Engineering mathematics: Laplace transforms. Fourier series. Special functions: Bessel functions, Gamma function. Prerequisite: MTH214

MTH320: Intermediate Statistics

Theory of probability distributions, including Poisson, student’s t, and F-distributions. Multiple regression techniques. Analysis of Variance: degrees of freedom, interaction, post-hoc tests. Chi-square analysis. Prerequisite: MTH220

MTH321: Probability Theory

Permutations and combinations. Sample spaces. Probability Distributions. Random variables. Conditional probability: probability trees, Bayesian anaylsis. Prerequisite: MTH220.

MTH322: Multivariate Methods.

Multiple regression. Autocorrelation. Homoscedasticity. Factor analysis. Cluster analysis. Applications to the social sciences. Prerequisite: MTH320.

MTH323: Applied Statistics for Social Science Research

Sampling frames, questionnaire design; simple random, systematic, stratified, and cluster sampling methods, comparing domain means, contingency table analysis. Prerequisites: MTH220, MTH320

MTH330: Mathematical Methods in Economics and the Social Sciences

Supply and Demand functions, marginal supply, demand and revenue. Matrix applications: input-output models, stochastic matrices and Markov chains. Times series analysis. Cobb-Douglas production functions and their partial derivatives. Prerequisites: MTH214, MTH220.

MTH332: Introduction to Complex Analysis

Complex algebra, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, integration in the complex plane, Cauchy integral theorem, infinite series. Prerequisite: MTH214 or MTH316.

MTH334: Ordinary Differential Equations

Methods and theory of ordinary differential equations. Boundary conditions. Power series solutions. This course is recommended for science/engineering students. Prerequisites: MTH113 and MTH212 or MTH343.

MTH335: Differential and Difference Equations

Concepts of Differential Equations: general and particular solutions, linear equations, separation of variables and other methods. Partial differential equations. Introduction to power series solutions. Prerequisites: MTH214, MTH330.

MTH336: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

Boundary value problems; transform methods; Fourier series; Bessel functions. Applications to heat transfer and fluid dynamics. Prerequisite: MTH334.

MTH340: Linear Programming

Graphical and simplex methods. Sensitivity analysis from simplex matrix. Integer programming. Introduction to Game Theory.

MTH343: Elementary Linear Algebra

Linear systems, matrices, vectors and vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants, inner product spaces, basis vectors, change-of-basis matrices, and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: MTH112 or MTH119.

MTH350: Operations Research

Inventory analysis: continuous and discrete models under risk and uncertainty. Networks: PERT networks, GANTT charts, critical path method. Queuing theory. Prerequisites: MTH220, MTH214.

MTH362: Survey of Geometry

Logical structure of Euclidean, non-Euclidean, and finite geometries. Prerequisites: MTH112, MTH190.

MTH371: Abstract Algebra.

Groups: abelian groups, normal subgroups, factor groups. Rings, fields, vector spaces, homomorphisms and isomorphisms, matrices, field extensions, etc. Prerequisites: MTH190, MTH343

MTH401: Advanced Topics in Mathematics.

This course will vary according to the areas of specialization of instructors. Topics may include numerical methods, combinatorics, topology, number theory, advanced analysis, operators in Hilbert space, advanced probability, and advanced statistics.

MTH497: Seminar in Mathematics (1-3 credits)

Topics to be chosen from the special interests of instructors or of students. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MTH498:  Senior Research Thesis (1–3 credits)

Prerequisite: permission of the Dean of the College of Science and Technology.

ORG201: Organizational Behavior

Theories and concepts for creating effective organizations, e.g., individual, group, and organizational processes and human resource functions, including selection, compensation, and performance management.

PAD201: Introduction to Public Administration

Organizations in the public sector: their publics, their work, and ways that managers carry out their work.

PAD301: Public Personnel Administration

Functions, procedures, and problems of personnel management at all levels of government.

PAD302: Governmental Budgeting

Provides an excellent non-technical introduction to governmental budgeting

PAD303: Problems in Public Administration

An analysis of financial and personnel management problems in government.

PAD304: Business and Society

Nature of personal and corporate responsibility from perspectives of the local environment and the global system in which we live.

PAD401: Public Project Management

Managing projects, includes topics such as project selection, team building, scheduling, and proposal and report writing in government.

PAD490: Public Administration Internship

This course provides the student experience in his/her chosen field of study. Through this experience, the student gains a practical understanding of work in the industry, experience on the job, enhancement of skills learned in the classroom, and contacts with professionals in the business world.

PAD495: Public Administration Project Paper

The Project Paper will provide the students with the opportunity to find, research, design, implement, document, and orally present a project in the chosen field of study.

PHE101: Personal Health and Wellness (formerly CFH101)

Major variables in human health experience with attention to personal health assessment and application of health knowledge to health behavior.

PHE102: Principles of Public Health (formerly CFH401 Introduction to Public Health)

Epidemiological methods, behavioral and biological determinants, modes of transmission, risk factors, prevention of common infectious and chronic disease. Evaluation of health information to develop health education programs. PR: PHE102 or CID

PHE201: Introduction to Human Health and Disease

This is an introductory level course designed to acquaint students with current knowledge of “new” and emerging infectious diseases of public health importance. The subject matter focuses on environmental factors that influence the pattern of occurrence, prevention, and control of diseases in human populations.

PHE202: Principles of Community Health Education (formerly CFH102)

Health education and its role in the health system. Analysis of major community health problems, their causes, the roles of individuals, community institutions, and government in effecting solutions. Emphasis is upon participation and organization for community health. Prerequisite: PHE101.

PHE301: Change Process in the Community

Attitude formation, behavior change, decision making, perception, motivation, group behavior, etc., and their relationship to practice of health and human services. Prerequisite: PHE102, PSY101, or SOC101.

PHE302: Health, Disease and Culture

This considers how culture – and component subcultures – can have an impact on the health of members, including both the incidence and the progression of sickness and disease.

PHE303: Health Communication - Theory and Practice

This course is designed to acquaint students with the role of communication in health and behavior change. It covers basic principles and practices in interpersonal, group, and mass communication and their application to public health. Students will have the opportunity to put into practice some of the theories and techniques learned in group exercises. Prerequisite: PHE102.

PHE304: Health Education Methodology

Prepares student to analyze and incorporate effective content and process in health education program delivery. Course not restricted to health education majors. Prerequisite: PHE102.

PHE401: Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Education and Communication Programs

This course introduces students to the concepts and functions of evaluation, and will teach them some basic skills in monitoring and evaluation as they apply to health education and communication programs specifically. This is designed for students focusing on implementation of programs, who are not expected to have any background in research methods or evaluation.

PHE402: Health Program Planning

This course is designed to provide skills in planning and developing health education interventions for behavior change at the individual, family or social network levels of practice. Emphasis is placed on applying program design principles to the development of educational interventions.

PHE496: Supervised Field Experience

Opportunity for supervised field observation to gain practice experiences in selected public health agencies

PHL101: Introduction to the Study of Philosophy

Critical analysis of the history, methods, and major problems of philosophy. Planned exercises, activities, and discussion designed to develop oral and written critical thinking and analytic skills.

PHL102: Introduction to Eastern Philosophy

Introduction to the different schools of Eastern philosophy and their influences on Asian societies.

PHL103: Introduction to Western Philosophy

Introduction to the major schools of thought in Western philosophy and their influences on culture, politics and methods of enquiry.

PHL104: Critical Reasoning

Elements of clear, straight, orderly and valid thought, including deductive and inductive reasoning and the accurate use of language. This course explores practical application of logic.

PHL201: Introduction to Ethics

Concepts of right and wrong, good and bad, and the application of moral principles to problems of everyday life.

PHL202: Metaphysics

Problems of ontology and cosmology, including such concepts as matter and energy, time and space, evolution and causality.

PHL203: Political Philosophy

Analysis of fundamental political concepts such as the legitimacy of government, the relation of justice to coercive power, the morality of war, political obligation, and sovereignty, and study of political ideologies.

PHL204: Aesthetics

Discussion of central problems in aesthetics, such as the possibility of objectivity in criticism, modern and traditional definitions of a work of art, truth and meaning in the fine arts, natural beauty and its relationship to excellence in music, architecture, etc.

PHL205: Epistemology

Investigation of such concepts as knowledge, belief, certainty. Critical study of theories concerning such issues as our knowledge of the external world, the past, other minds.

PHL301: Buddhist Philosophy

Discussion of central problems in Buddhist philosophy and examination of the teaching of the Buddha as philosophical discourse. Includes in-depth examination of the different schools of Buddhism and their influences in the world.

PHL302: Philosophies of India

Historical and critical survey with emphasis on basic ideas and traditions.

PHL303: Philosophies of China and Japan

Historical and critical study of the philosophical thought of China and Japan.

PHL304: Philosophy of Islam

Historical and critical study of the philosophical thought of Islam with emphasis on basic ideas and traditions.

PHL401: Early Western Philosophy

Exploration of the origin and development of Western philosophy in Ancient Greece and Rome. Examination of some of the central ideas of the Pre-Socratics, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and the Hellenistic philosophers.

PHL402: Pragmatism

Development of pragmatism as exemplified in the philosophies of Peirce, James, Dewey and Mead.

PHL403: Phenomenology

Study of one of the major movements of contemporary philosophy. Themes treated may include knowledge, meaning, emotionality, embodiment, language, sociality, freedom and religion.

PHL404: Existentialism

Study of such issues as self-as-existence, freedom and responsibility in their ethical, religious, political and aesthetic dimensions.

PHL405: Zen and the Art of Philosophy

In-depth study of Zen philosophy and its impact on the Western world.

PHL406: Feminist Epistemology

Examination of feminist work on the social construction of gender and the role that “experience” has played in discussion of whether women are a social group.

PHL407: Ethics and Computer Technology

Speculative and critical examination of moral dilemmas, legal issues, and social values pertaining to new developments in computer technology, with particular emphasis on how computer technology informs, and is informed by, human relationships and human needs.

PHL408: Khmer Philosophy

In-depth examination of Khmer philosophy and its influence on society.

PHY101: Fundamentals of Physics

A general introduction, for those not majoring in Physics, to the key concepts and principles of this discipline. Prerequisites: GSC101 and at least enrolment for GSC102.

PHY111: Classical Mechanics and Modern Physics

This surveys Newton's laws of motion, the conservation of energy and linear and angular momentum, and gravitation; together with an introduction to relativity, the laws of thermodynamics, quantum theory and atomic physics. Prerequisites: GSC101 and at least enrolment for GSC102.

PHY112: Electricity, Magnetism and Optics

This introduces electric and magnetic fields, electric potential and conduction and the effects of materials; Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic radiation, the properties of light, and geometric optics. Prerequisites: GSC101 and at least enrolment for GSC102.

PHY201: Classical Mechanics I

This considers various types of harmonic oscillator, including those which are damped or coupled; rotational motion; and Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of dynamics. Prerequisite: PHY101.

PHY202: Electricity and Magnetism I

This considers aspects of electrostatics and magnetostatics, together with the effects of different conductor and dielectric materials; the principles of electromagnetic induction, including Maxwell’s equations; and how electromagnetic fields interact with materials. Prerequisite: PHY102.

PHY203: Atomic and Nuclear Physics I

This considers the various types of radioactive decay and models of the structure of the nucleus; together with the interactions of radiation with matter; and the insights these and other studies have given into the nature of subatomic particles. Prerequisite: PHY101.

PHY204: Relativity and Quantum Mechanics I

This looks at Special Relativity and relativistic kinematics and dynamics; and at quantisation, wave-particle duality, the Schrödinger equation and wave mechanics as descriptors of atomic behaviour. Prerequisite: PHY101.

PHY205: States of Matter, Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics I

This considers the various properties of gases, liquids and solids; and the effects of temperature. Prerequisite: PHY101.

PHY206: Optics I

This considers various aspects, including interference and diffraction, polarization and birefringence, and functional design of lasers and photodetectors. Prerequisite: PHY102.

PHY301: Classical Mechanics II

This develops upon the themes of PHY201. Prerequisite: PHY201.

PHY302: Electricity and Magnetism II

This develops upon the themes of PHY202. Prerequisite: PHY202.

PHY303: Atomic and Nuclear Physics II

This develops upon the themes of PHY203. Prerequisite: PHY203.

PHY304: Relativity and Quantum Mechanics II

This develops upon the themes of PHY204. Prerequisite: PHY204.

PHY305: States of Matter, Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics II

This develops upon the themes of PHY205. Prerequisite: PHY205.

PHY306: Optics II

This develops upon the themes of PHY206. Prerequisite: PHY206.

PHY307: Solid State Physics and Electronics I

This considers the electronic properties of crystals, the various characteristics of different types of semiconductor devices and their uses in circuit design. Prerequisites: PHY202, PHY204, PHY205.

PHY308: Experimental Physics

Prerequisites: PHY201, PHY202, PHY203, PHY204, PHY205 and PHY206.

PHY401: Fluid Dynamics

This looks at the mathematical description of the flow of gases and liquids, including drag and turbulence; and the implications for structural design. Prerequisite: PHY308.

PHY402: Superconductivity and Superfluidity

This looks at the unique characteristics of superconductors and superfluids, and how they manifest quantum mechanical phenomena at the macroscopic level. Prerequisite: PHY308.

PHY403: Soft-Matter Physics

This considers the similarities between various forms of soft condensed matter – namely liquid crystals, polymers and colloids. Prerequisite: PHY308.

PHY404: Non-linear Physics and Chaos

This returns to the 'simple' pendulum and related systems to explore real-world non-linearity and its implications for predictability of dynamical systems; logistic maps and fractals are also considered. Prerequisite: PHY308.

PHY405: Applied Nuclear Physics

This looks at the biological effects of radiation and methods for monitoring exposure; applications of the products of nuclear fission in industry and medicine; and the potential for fusion as a source of energy. Prerequisites: PHY303 and PHY308.

PHY406: Optoelectronics

This considers the main components used in modern telecommunications (diode lasers and LEDs, optical fibres, and photodiodes and photomultipliers), and how they function in the processing and transmission of signals. Prerequisites: PHY306 and PHY308.

PHY407: Solid State Physics and Electronics II

This develops upon the themes of PHY307. Prerequisite: PHY307.

PHY408: Astrophysics and Cosmology

This considers the structure of the solar system; nuclear fusion, stellar classification and evolution; galactic diversity; dark matter, dark energy and the proposed origin and evolution of the universe. Prerequisite: PHY308.

PHY491: Individual Assignments

This may take various forms – for example, a literature search or laboratory research to answer a specific question. Prerequisites: registration to do a Physics major, and having completed all necessary modules at levels 100 to 300, at least.

POL101: Introduction to Political Science - Theory and Practice

This discusses politics as an activity, with topics including political issues, systems, ideologies, and processes.

POL102: Political and Economic Systems of Southeast Asia

This examines Southeast Asian political processes, institutions, and current issues, with emphasis on regional organizations such as ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and the ASEAN Regional Forum.

POL201: Introduction to East Asian Politics

This looks at East Asian political processes and institutions, with particular emphasis on contemporary issues.

POL202: Introduction to American Politics

This considers American political processes and institutions, and the political system of checks and balances.

POL203: Democracy and Capitalism in Southeast Asia

This looks at the varieties of democracy in Southeast Asia and their histories, in terms of the struggles to attain democracy and consequent successes and failures. The nature of capitalism in the region is also considered, together with the socio-economic effects of the economic boom-and-bust of the 1990s. The role of ASEAN in regional politics and economics is also examined.

POL204: Governance, Democracy and Development

This considers the importance of good governance (e.g. effective policy-making capacity, civil service reform, taxation and revenue, legal processes and the rule of law) and participatory democratic governments for reforming and developing country states.

POL205: Decentralization and Local Government

Various types of decentralization - political, administrative, fiscal, and market – are discussed in terms of their underlying rationales, and how they may be implemented and need to be coordinated. The role of outside bodies like the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is also considered.

POL206: Politics and Public Policy

This discusses the role of government in guiding economies and civil societies with particular emphasis on Southeast Asia.

POL207: Comparative Politics of Developing Countries

This course discusses political, economic, and social development in the Third World countries, with emphasis on those countries in Asia through a comparative approach.

POL301: Political Thought and Theory

This course examines the contending theories, approaches, concepts, and issues developed or raised in history of western political philosophy and thought.

POL302: Asian Political Theory

This course surveys key historical schools and/or contemporary directions in Asian political thought.

POL303: Political Leadership

This course studies the contending theories and concepts of political leadership, partly through biography, as preparation for public service or advanced scholarly research.

POL304: Public Law and Judicial Behavior

This course examines law, legalism, legal ideology, and legality; constitutions and constitutionalism.

POL305: Political Inquiry and Analysis

This course offers an introductory survey and analysis of methods used in empirical research, policy analysis, and social criticism.

POL306: Media and Politics

This course examines the different perspectives on the influences and effects of media on politics.

POL307: Nonviolent Political Alternatives

This course explores scientific and cultural resources for nonviolent alternatives in politics.

POL308: Power in America

This course examines the sources of political, economic, and social power in America and the institutions through which power is exercised.

PST101: Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism

This explores the underlying themes in race, culture, ethnicity, and nationalism; and how historical, political and other differences interact and translate into conflict.

PST102: Human Rights

This considers the ideas which underpin the concept of universal human rights, their potential scope (e.g. the unborn, minorities, animals), and their implications – for example, the need to reconcile situations where the rights of different individuals are at odds, or there is a contradiction between different rights.

PST103: Religions in Conflict

This examines the ways in which religious views may either promote or act as a buffer against strife.

PST201: Methods of Peacemaking

This course teaches students methods for facilitating education and community organizing.

PST202: Peace-Keeping and Humanitarian Agencies in Conflict Resolution

This considers the peace-keeping role of the UN and how it, together with the work of humanitarian and peace-building agencies, contributes to international security and conflict resolution as part of the 'new world order'.

PST203: Human Rights, Humanitarian Intervention and Global Justice

International law is built around recognition of states’ sovereign rights; international humanitarian law rests on claims of moral principles and arguments. This course looks at how these stances may contradict each other, and how the paradox may be resolved.

PST204: Conflict, Peace, Security and Development

This examines the causes of internal and international conflict, together with methods to prevent, manage and resolve them with the attendant protection of human rights. Post-conflict reconstruction, reconciliation and promotion of human security, as humanitarian relief turns to development assistance, with the implementation and consolidation of democratic reforms and the establishment of civic institutions and norms of good governance.

PST205: History of Non-Violent Movements

A general introduction to the history of non-violent movements

PST301: Conflict Transformation and Resolution

Based on an analysis of conflict situations and theories about conflict and conflict transformation, the role of negotiations and mediation by outside bodies such as NGOs and international organizations is considered.

PST302: Culture and Ethics in Conflict Resolution and Peace-Keeping

This examines the effects of cultural context and applied ethics – the use of ethical reasoning to understand and prescribe solutions to specific areas of practical concern.

PST303: Militarisation, Arms Control and Disarmament

This looks at the armaments industry and other factors favouring weapons proliferation and mobilization in nations or blocs of states; and the mechanisms which serve to try and contain the vicious cycle once initiated.

PST304: Peace, Security and Post-Conflict Reconstruction

This looks at peace enforcement, peace-building and reconstruction, and the role of international military and civilian police, judicial reform and economic factors for disarmament and small arms reduction and the reconciliation and reintegration of former combatants.

PST305: Peace, Upset and Change

This considers how, over time, social, political and technological changes – 'revolutions' and 'reforms' – have affected, and been affected by, the prevailing sociopolitical climate.

PSY101: Introduction to Psychology

Study of human behavior with special reference to perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotional life, and individual differences in intelligence, aptitude, and personality.

PSY102: Perception and Sensation

This considers how information from the external and internal environment is monitored and processed in an optimal manner.

PSY103: Social Psychology

An introduction to the basic concepts underlying social interactions.

PSY104: Language and Thought

This course examines how language is used as a tool to guide thought patterns.

PSY201: Personality Psychology

Study of personality from various points of view: biological, experimental, social, and humanistic; surveys theory and empirical research in the study of personality.

PSY202: Health Psychology, Stress and Adaptation

This considers how individuals try to cope with problems during life.

PSY203: Learning and Memory

This examines some of the phenomena associated with the storing and retrieval of information.

PSY204: Cognitive Psychology

This course attempts to answer questions about how people perceive, learn, remember, plan, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate.

PSY205: Training and Skill Acquisition

This builds upon PSY203 to consider how optimize the acquisition and performance of skills.

PSY206: Developmental Psychology

Introduction to the scientific study of human development, with an emphasis on psychobiological processes underlying perceptual, cognitive, and emotional development.

PSY207: Psychology of the Sexes

This looks at gender-related differences in mental attitudes and other aspects of behaviour and brain-function; and their possible evolutionary and actual post-industrial consequences.

PSY208: Psychology of Attitudes and Prejudices

This surveys the processes underlying the formation of belief systems, with stereotyping and discrimination; and the contributory factors involved.

PSY209: Psychology of Motivation and Addiction

This looks at the systems responsible for various so-called ‘drives’, and how things can go wrong.

PSY301: Brain, Mind and Behaviour

This looks at general aspects of the organization of the central nervous system, and how correlational and other studies have allowed the identification of functional modules and their patterns of inter-relationship.

PSY302: Community Psychology

Study of how interactions within a community affect the wellbeing of its members.

PSY303: Physiological Psychology and Psychopharmacology

This considers how interactions between and within tissues affect behaviour; and how drugs can modify these.

PSY304: Psychological Anthropology

This course takes a cross-cultural view on the interface between individuals and collectivities in which they are embedded.

PSY401: Psychometrics

This looks at various types of psychological test, together with reviewing the analytical methods required; and the ethical and other issues involved.

PSY402: Psychology of Aging

This course examines the life span approach to aging and death and dying issues.

PSY403: Abnormal Psychology

An examination of definitions, theories, and treatments of abnormal behavior.

PSY404: Environmental Psychology

Study of how the physical environment can affect individuals, and how this can be ameliorated.

PSY405: Clinical Psychology

This examines methods, rationale, and empirical foundations of clinical psychology.

PUB101: Introduction to Theories of Public Policy

This course examines the theoretical frameworks in studying public policy.

PUB102: Public Policy and Administration

This course studies areas relevant to public policy and administration, focusing on environmental policy, non-profit management, social welfare, and education policy as case illustrations.

PUB201: Introduction to Public Personnel Administration

Analysis of personnel policies and practices in the public sector and examination of patterns of interaction between political executives, personnel professionals, public employees, interest groups in the development of personnel policies.

PUB202: Management of Public Finances

This considers the importance of government tax, borrowing and expenditure policies on resource allocation, income distribution and development in modern mixed economies, to ensure that there is effective, transparent and accountable financial management of public resources to optimize national growth.

PUB203: Survey of Cambodian Public Policy

This course surveys the major policies in Cambodia.

PUB204: Educational Policies and Their Implimentation

This looks at the importance of education in personal and, through generating human capital, regional and national development, including dealing with issues such as HIV/AIDS, gender and other equity-related issues; colonial and post-colonial approaches to educating the people; child labour and schooling; and the relative merits of private vs. public education systems.

PUB205: Health Policy and Planning

This considers governmental approaches to the integration of human rights-based approaches in health development; and the roles of states, NGOs, multilateral agencies and the market in recent international health reforms. Also examined are issues of sexual and reproductive health and family planning, which are closely related to poverty, gender, and poor information; and which have important social, economic, policy and political implications.

PUB301: Labour, Employment and Urban Economics

This examines the supply of and demand for labour, and its sources; factors affecting wages, productivity and inflation; and trades’ unionism, collective bargaining and public policy. Also considered are urban migrations and unemployment, together with implications for development and public policy regarding urban resource use (including problems related to housing, education, transportation, pollution and equal opportunity).

PUB302: Public Policy and Business

This considers the manner in which public policies can affect the economy by promoting free enterprise and by regulatory means.

PUB303: Ethics and Values in Policy-Making

This course examines the judgments about desirable public purposes and the justification of policy decisions.

PUB304: Health Care Policy in Cambodia

This course examines the health care policy in Cambodia, focusing on the costs and benefits.

PUB305: Education Policy in Cambodia

This course examines the social construction of the educational policy in Cambodia, taking into account the design, problems in implementation, and evaluation of policy responses, practical and ethical dilemmas.

RLG101: Introduction to Religion

Origin, nature and function of religion in the individual and culture with emphasis upon and reference to outstanding personalities, sacred writings, and basic features of the world’s leading religions.

RLG102: Western Religion

A survey of representative figures, themes and schools in Western religious thought, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

RLG103: Eastern Religion

A survey of representative figures, themes and schools in Eastern religious thought. Emphasis on Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Southeast Asian religions.

RLG104: Religion and Society

Religious and secular views of the relation between people and society with emphasis on contemporary problems of personal and social ethics, political responsibility and social structure.

RLG105: Buddhism in Cambodia – Traditions and Spirituality

This course examines the role of Buddhism in contributing to peace in Cambodian society.

RLG202: Religions of Southeast Asia

Focuses on the religions of Southeast Asia, including Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Animism.

RLG203: Buddhism

The transmission of Buddhism to China, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia and Tibet. Emphasis on themes, symbols, and rituals.

RLG204: Hinduism

An introduction to the religious traditions of Hinduism. Emphasis on the historical and textual study of Hinduism through its various literatures.

RLG205: Religions of Japan and China

Ancient Chinese religious thought and popular religion in China. Transmission of continental civilization and religion to Japan.

RLG207: Islamic Religion and Culture

The Koran, Muhammad and the rise of Islam as a cosmopolitan faith. The development of Muslim civilization, including literature, theology, philosophy and Sufism.

RLG208: Introduction to the Bible

An overview of the Sacred texts of Jews and Christians. Inspiration, Creation, Salvation, and other Biblical themes will be discussed, as well as key persons and events.

RLG209: Jewish Religion

From the end of the Second Temple period to the close of the Middle Ages. Development from Hellenistic Judaism to Rabbinic Judaism to philosophical theology will be discussed in detail.

RLG302: Religion and Global Ethics

Examination of the interaction of religion with various secular socioeconomic ideologies related to the process of globalization, as well as the response of different religions to the various ethical issues raised by the globalization of capitalism, issues of population growth, environmental degradation, loss of cultural identity, consumerism, and the impact of the technology.

RLG303: Religion and Modern Literature

Examines the ways in which religion and religious themes have been represented in modern world literature.

RLG304: Contemporary Religious Thought

Critical examination of the current trends in religious understanding against a background of rapid social change. New movements and issues on the religious will be considered.

RLG306: Zen Buddhism

In-depth study of Zen Buddhism and its impact in the world.

RLG401: Religion and Politics in the Middle East

Examination of the Middle East conflict and the role that religion and politics play in this part of the world.

RLG402: Gender and Religion

Special emphasis will be placed on the role of women in the different religions of the world and their portrayal in sacred texts.

RLG403: Religion, Rituals and Culture in Cambodia

Exploration of religious rituals in Cambodia which provide insight into Cambodian society.

RLG404: Magic, Myth, Science and Religion

Examination of the interrelation as well as the separation between magic, myth, science and religion in the different religions of the world.

RLG405: Religion and Art

Religion themes and symbols and their influence on the imagination of artists.

SOC101: Introduction to Sociology

This course focuses on understanding how human society functions, including the nature and development of culture and society.

SOC102: Sociology of Cambodian Gender Identity

The course will provide an introduction to theoretical concepts in gender studies within a Cambodian context.

SOC103: Survey of Contemporary Cambodian Society

The course explores the changing structures, cultures, and functions of Cambodian society in the context of globalization.

SOC201: Survey of Sociological Theory

This lecture course presents an investigation of origins and socio-cultural contexts of sociological thought and its development.

SOC202: Sociology of Khmer Culture

This is a sociological investigation of Khmer cultural roots and origins, including material and non-material products of culture, the consumption of culture, and forms of culture.

SOC203: Sociology of Formal and Complex Organizations

This course represents a sociological examination of the nature, types, structures, and processes of formal organizations.

SOC204: Contextual Analysis of Cambodian Social Inequality and Stratification

This course investigates the nature, causes, and consequences of social inequality and stratification in Cambodia from Khmer cultural and cross-cultural perspectives.

SOC205: Globalisation - Effects on National Identity, Ethnicity and Culture

This considersthe impact of globalisation in its various forms – e.g. trade of raw materials and products, including mass media; travel and tourism – affects human society at various levels.

SOC206: Religions and Cultures in Conflict and Peace      

This looks at the how culture, including any religious underpinnings, has an influence on relations, both within a society and between competing societies.

SOC207: Religions in a Social Context

This looks at social and cultural perspectives in the understanding of world and local religions: their ideologies, institutions, and rites and rituals; and the varied consequences for power and stratification (including in relation to gender).

SOC301: Principles of Sociological Inquiry

The surveys the general principles of scientific research, and research designs and methodology in social sciences, including the uses of population data (censuses, vital statistics, and demographic surveys).

SOC302: Social Research Practice

The course allows students to put into practice the various stages of social research and apply the methods commonly used in social sciences.

SOC303: Family and Socialization

This course focuses on the role of family as a socialization agent from various socio-cultural perspectives.

SOC304: Analysis of Marriage and the Family

This investigates the family as a social institution and its interrelationships with other institutions.

SOC305: Deviance and Social Control

Various theories of deviance and forms and agencies of social control will be presented.

SOC400: Independent Research Project

This course allows students the opportunity to conduct independent research using secondary resources for data analysis.

SWK101: Introduction to Social Work

Orientation to the profession of social work; historical development, values and philosophy, scope and aims.

SWK102: General Social Work Practice I

Orientation to practice principles, concepts, values, knowledge base, and their application.

SWK103: General Social Work Practice II

Introduction to practice skills with individuals, families, groups, and communities.

SWK104: Human Behavior and the Social Environment

Overview of social work's person-in-environment focus as it applies to human behavior in the context of families, groups, communities, and organization.

SWK201: Socio-cultural Content for Social Work Practice

Examination of ethnicity, class, and sex statuses as these affect human development and behavior for social work practice.

SWK202: General Social Work Practice III

Use of problem-solving process in practice with individuals, families, groups, and communities.

SWK203: General Social Work Practice IV

Examination of practice methods and intervention models; identification and analysis of issues related to practice.

SWK204: Research Methods for Social Work

Introduction to social science methodological approaches for meeting the challenges inherent in social welfare and intervention research.

SWK301: Social Work with the Person and Family Dynamics

Use of knowledge and interpersonal skills to assist people and their families in using personal and social resources for problem solving.

SWK302: Introduction to Community and Organizational Processes

This course examines the special characteristics of the social worker as community organizer.

SWK303: Theory and Practice of Social Group Work

Examination of theories and methods of social work intervention focused on group work.

SWK304: Interpersonal Skills Development for Social Work

Basic interpersonal skills focusing on interpersonal communications, conscious use of self, and development of interviewing and group leadership skills.

SWK401: Integrative Practice Seminar

Discussion on the use of knowledge and understanding in analyses of case studies and direct service practice.

SWK402: Independent Study

Students are given the opportunity to examine current trends in the field of social welfare through readings.

SWK403: Special Topics in Doing Social Work in Cambodia

This course provides students with the opportunity to select a specific social work topic as it relates to Cambodia's development.

SWK404: Field Work Practicum (9 credits)

This is equivalent to 4 terms of training. Students begin their field instruction placement in the third year and spend 24 hours per week (usually Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) in a field placement agency assigned by the Dean of the College of Social Sciences. The College of Social Sciences generally makes placement assignments within local agencies that have been approved similar in scope and context of the BSWKprogram to ensure that the practicum training meet students educational needs.

TOU301: Tourist and Customer Behavior Management
Issues related to customer service and managing tour groups, in addition to determining tourism.
TOU490: Tourism Internship

This course provides the student experience in his/her chosen field of study. Through this experience, the student gains a practical understanding of work in the industry, experience on the job, enhancement of skills learned in the classroom, and contacts with professionals in the business world.

TOU495: Tourism Project Paper

The Project Paper will provide the students with the opportunity to find, research, design, implement, document, and orally present a project in the chosen field of study.

WMN100: Introduction to Women’s Studies: Perspectives on Women in Society

An introduction to major questions raised in the field of Women’s Studies relating to the social, political, and economic status of women in society.

WMN101: Theories of Gender and Sexuality in the Social Sciences

Theories of gender and sexuality as examined in the Social Sciences including historical, social, cultural, political and economic perspectives.

WMN102: Theories of Gender and Sexuality in the Humanities

Theories of gender and sexuality as examined in the Humanities including literary, artistic and cultural perspectives.

WMN199: Preliminary Field Study - Women in Cambodian Society

This, along with WMN499, provides students with practical exposure to women’s condition in Cambodia; to synthesize knowledge acquired in the classroom within the general context of their own society; to realize the bridge between the academic community and the community at large; and to instill in the students a sense of social responsibility so that they may become socially-conscious and active members of their society. The students will be asked to work with different NGOs, the Ministry of Women’s Affairs or members of their community. They will conduct interviews, collect data, and follow up on the subject of their own choosing. This will culminate in a final written and oral report to be shared with others during their final year of study.

WMN201: Women's Rights Movement in the World

The history of the women’s right movements in the World and their contributions to social changes.

WMN499: Final Field Study - Women in Cambodian Society (6 credits)

Along with WMN199, this provides students with practical exposure to women’s condition in Cambodia; to synthesize knowledge acquired in the classroom within the general context of their own society; to realize the bridge between the academic community and the community at large; and to instill in the students a sense of social responsibility so that they may become socially-conscious and active members of their society. The students will be asked to work with different NGOs, the Ministry of Women’s Affairs or members of their community. They will conduct interviews, collect data, and follow up on the subject of their own choosing. This will culminate in a final written and oral report to be shared with others during their final year of study.





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Last modifiedMay 1, 2007 15:35

© University of Cambodia, 2007