
Undergraduate Catalogue: Religious Studies Course Descriptions

The following outlines of course content are correct at the time of writing, although the material (or the order in which it is covered) may be subject to change.

1. All courses are 3 credit hours each, unless otherwise indicated.

2. Normally, a course will not be run without a minimum enrolment of students.

RLG101: Introduction to Religion

Origin, nature and function of religion in the individual and culture with emphasis upon and reference to outstanding personalities, sacred writings, and basic features of the world’s leading religions. (Note: this may also be counted as a General Education course.)

RLG102: Western Religion

A survey of representative figures, themes and schools in Western religious thought, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

RLG103: Eastern Religion

A survey of representative figures, themes and schools in Eastern religious thought. Emphasis on Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Southeast Asian religions.

RLG104: Religion and Society

Religious and secular views of the relation between people and society with emphasis on contemporary problems of personal and social ethics, political responsibility and social structure.

RLG105: Buddhism in Cambodia – Traditions and Spirituality

This course examines the role of Buddhism in contributing to peace in Cambodian society.

RLG202: Religions of Southeast Asia

Focuses on the religions of Southeast Asia, including Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Animism. (Note: this may also be counted as a General Education course.)

RLG203: Buddhism

The transmission of Buddhism to China, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia and Tibet. Emphasis on themes, symbols, and rituals.

RLG204: Hinduism

An introduction to the religious traditions of Hinduism. Emphasis on the historical and textual study of Hinduism through its various literatures.

RLG205: Religions of Japan and China

Ancient Chinese religious thought and popular religion in China. Transmission of continental civilization and religion to Japan.

RLG207: Islamic Religion and Culture

The Koran, Muhammad and the rise of Islam as a cosmopolitan faith. The development of Muslim civilization, including literature, theology, philosophy and Sufism.

RLG208: Introduction to the Bible

An overview of the Sacred texts of Jews and Christians. Inspiration, Creation, Salvation, and other Biblical themes will be discussed, as well as key persons and events.

RLG209: Jewish Religion

From the end of the Second Temple period to the close of the Middle Ages. Development from Hellenistic Judaism to Rabbinic Judaism to philosophical theology will be discussed in detail.

RLG302: Religion and Global Ethics

Examination of the interaction of religion with various secular socioeconomic ideologies related to the process of globalization, as well as the response of different religions to the various ethical issues raised by the globalization of capitalism, issues of population growth, environmental degradation, loss of cultural identity, consumerism, and the impact of the technology.

RLG303: Religion and Modern Literature

Examines the ways in which religion and religious themes have been represented in modern world literature.

RLG304: Contemporary Religious Thought

Critical examination of the current trends in religious understanding against a background of rapid social change. New movements and issues on the religious will be considered.

RLG306: Zen Buddhism

In-depth study of Zen Buddhism and its impact in the world.

RLG401: Religion and Politics in the Middle East

Examination of the Middle East conflict and the role that religion and politics play in this part of the world.

RLG402: Gender and Religion

Special emphasis will be placed on the role of women in the different religions of the world and their portrayal in sacred texts.

RLG403: Religion, Rituals and Culture in Cambodia

Exploration of religious rituals in Cambodia which provide insight into Cambodian society.

RLG404: Magic, Myth, Science and Religion

Examination of the interrelation as well as the separation between magic, myth, science and religion in the different religions of the world.

RLG405: Religion and Art

Religion themes and symbols and their influence on the imagination of artists.




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Last modifiedMay 1, 2007 15:33
© University of Cambodia, 2007