
Undergraduate Catalogue: Mathematics Course Descriptions

The following outlines of course content are correct at the time of writing, although the material (or the order in which it is covered) may be subject to change.

1. All courses are 3 credit hours each, unless otherwise indicated.

2. Normally, a course will not be run without a minimum enrolment of students.

MTH100: Quantitative Methods

A course designed for the non-specialist. The course treats fundamental quantitative methods and how they are used in real life. For example, straight line graphs and their equations are applied to predictions (regression) and product mix (linear programming). Basic statistical measures and concepts and their practical use are given broad treatment.

MTH110: College Algebra

Literal expressions, variables, equations, factoring, laws of exponents, straight line graphs, quadratic equations and parabolas. (Note: this may also be counted as a General Education course.)

MTH111: Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry

Circular functions, triangle relationships, identities, inverse trig functions, vectors, complex numbers. Cartesian coordinates, equations of functions. Prerequisite: MTH110 or equivalent. (Note: this may also be counted as a General Education course.)

MTH112: Calculus I 

Functions of a single variable. Differential calculus: limits; continuity; the derivative and applications; extrema; Integral Calculus: the definite integral; fundamental theorem of calculus. Prerequisite: MTH111 or equivalent. (Note: this may also be counted as a General Education course.)

MTH113: Calculus II

Further integration: indefinite integral; techniques and applications of integration; sequences, series, convergence tests, power series; parametric equations; polar coordinates; gradients. Prerequisite:MTH112 or equivalent.

MTH120: Introductory Statistics

Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Distributions: binomial and normal. Raw and standard scores. Correlation and Regression. Price indices and seasonal adjustment. Sampling: confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: MTH110 or permission of the instructor. (Note: this may also be counted as a General Education course.)

MTH190: Set Theory and Logic

Operations with sets: Venn diagrams, fuzzy sets. Boolean algebras. Symbolic Logic: truth tables, conjunction and disjunction; Aristotelian and fuzzy logics. Nature of proof: deduction and induction; proof by mathematical induction. Prerequisite: MTH111 or instructor’s consent.

MTH214: Calculus of Several Variables

Partial differentiation, Maxima and minima of functions of several variables, the Jacobian matrix, and integral theorems of vector calculus. Multiple integration. Line integrals. Prerequisite: MTH113.

MTH240: Mathematics of Finance

Applications of Mathematics to Business and Finance: compound interest, annuities, present value, repayment of loans, continuous compounding and exponential growth. Common and Natural Logarithms and their applications. Prerequisite: MTH113

MTH250: History of Mathematics

Development of mathematics, emphasizing underlying principles and motivations. Prerequisite: MTH113.

MTH315: Theory of Analysis

Rigorous treatment of calculus of single and several variables. Topics include topology of the real line, uniform continuity, metric spaces, Riemann integral, implicit function theorem, and integral theorems of vector calculus. Prerequisites: MTH113, MTH190, MTH343.

MTH316: Vector Analysis

Mathematics related to Physics: Vector, scalars, dot and cross products, vector projections. Vector equations of lines and planes. Line integrals and multiple integration. Div, grad, curl. Green’s theorem. Stokes’ theorem. Prerequisite: MTH214

MTH318: Advanced Calculus

Engineering mathematics: Laplace transforms. Fourier series. Special functions: Bessel functions, Gamma function. Prerequisite: MTH214

MTH320: Intermediate Statistics

Theory of probability distributions, including Poisson, student’s t, and F-distributions. Multiple regression techniques. Analysis of Variance: degrees of freedom, interaction, post-hoc tests. Chi-square analysis. Prerequisite: MTH220

MTH321: Probability Theory

Permutations and combinations. Sample spaces. Probability Distributions. Random variables. Conditional probability: probability trees, Bayesian anaylsis. Prerequisite: MTH220.

MTH322: Multivariate Methods.

Multiple regression. Autocorrelation. Homoscedasticity. Factor analysis. Cluster analysis. Applications to the social sciences. Prerequisite: MTH320.

MTH323: Applied Statistics for Social Science Research

Sampling frames, questionnaire design; simple random, systematic, stratified, and cluster sampling methods, comparing domain means, contingency table analysis. Prerequisites: MTH220, MTH320

MTH330: Mathematical Methods in Economics and the Social Sciences

Supply and Demand functions, marginal supply, demand and revenue. Matrix applications: input-output models, stochastic matrices and Markov chains. Times series analysis. Cobb-Douglas production functions and their partial derivatives. Prerequisites: MTH214, MTH220.

MTH332: Introduction to Complex Analysis

Complex algebra, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, integration in the complex plane, Cauchy integral theorem, infinite series. Prerequisite: MTH214 or MTH316.

MTH334: Ordinary Differential Equations

Methods and theory of ordinary differential equations. Boundary conditions. Power series solutions. This course is recommended for science/engineering students. Prerequisites: MTH113 and MTH212 or MTH343.

MTH335: Differential and Difference Equations

Concepts of Differential Equations: general and particular solutions, linear equations, separation of variables and other methods. Partial differential equations. Introduction to power series solutions. Prerequisites: MTH214, MTH330.

MTH336: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

Boundary value problems; transform methods; Fourier series; Bessel functions. Applications to heat transfer and fluid dynamics. Prerequisite: MTH334.

MTH340: Linear Programming

Graphical and simplex methods. Sensitivity analysis from simplex matrix. Integer programming. Introduction to Game Theory.

MTH343: Elementary Linear Algebra

Linear systems, matrices, vectors and vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants, inner product spaces, basis vectors, change-of-basis matrices, and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: MTH112 or MTH119.

MTH350: Operations Research

Inventory analysis: continuous and discrete models under risk and uncertainty. Networks: PERT networks, GANTT charts, critical path method. Queuing theory. Prerequisites: MTH220, MTH214.

MTH362: Survey of Geometry

Logical structure of Euclidean, non-Euclidean, and finite geometries. Prerequisites: MTH112, MTH190.

MTH371: Abstract Algebra.

Groups: abelian groups, normal subgroups, factor groups. Rings, fields, vector spaces, homomorphisms and isomorphisms, matrices, field extensions, etc. Prerequisites: MTH190, MTH343

MTH401: Advanced Topics in Mathematics.

This course will vary according to the areas of specialization of instructors. Topics may include numerical methods, combinatorics, topology, number theory, advanced analysis, operators in Hilbert space, advanced probability, and advanced statistics.

MTH497: Seminar in Mathematics (1-3 credits)

Topics to be chosen from the special interests of instructors or of students. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MTH498:  Senior Research Thesis (1–3 credits)

Prerequisite: permission of the Dean of the College of Science and Technology.




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Last modifiedMay 1, 2007 15:30
© University of Cambodia, 2007