
Undergraduate Catalogue: Asian Studies Course Descriptions

The following outlines of course content are correct at the time of writing, although the material (or the order in which it is covered) may be subject to change.

1. All courses are 3 credit hours each, unless otherwise indicated.

2. Normally, a course will not be run without a minimum enrolment of students.

ASN101: Introduction to Southeast Asia

Explores the history, culture and politics of Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, among others, and their economic and political relations with each other.

ASN102: Introduction to Japan

Examines Japanese history, culture, economics and politics from ancient to modern times.

ASN103: Introduction to China

This course explores China’s role as a dominant force in world affairs, tracing the historical and social developments of the world’s most populous nation.

ASN104: Introduction to South Asia

Explores the histories and cultures of South Asia and their place in Asia and in the world.

ASN105: Introduction to Korea

Explores the history of the Korean peninsula from ancient to modern times, examining issues of culture and politics. 

ASN201: Southeast Asian Culture and Literature

An introduction to Southeast Asian culture in all its varied forms, as well as an overview of the major literary works from ancient and modern times.

ASN202: Japanese Culture and Literature

Exploring Japanese culture and literature from ancient to modern times, highlighting the major artistic movements from each period.

ASN203: Chinese Culture and Literature

Examining the culture and literature of the Chinese state, examining aesthetic, social and political ramifications through the ages.

ASN204: South Asian Culture and Literature

Examines the culture and literature of South Asia. The rich and varied history of the South Asia countries’ artistic achievements will be examined independently and in contrast with each other at various stages of development.

ASN205: Korean Culture and Literature

An introduction to the major movements and artists of Korean culture and literature from ancient as well as modern times, examining the impact of the Korean divide on its cultural works.

ASN206: Cambodian Culture and Literature

An overview of the major trends in Cambodian culture and literature, with emphasis on significant artists and the impact of war on cultural development.

ASN301: Democracy and War

An introduction to key concepts regarding the implementation of democracy in various global settings, as well as the inevitable outbreaks of war that disrupt stable societies.

ASN302: The Chinese Cultural Revolution

Examines the Chinese Cultural Revolution, tracing the roots of political and social discontent and the impact of the revolution on modern Chinese society and politics.

ASN303: The Religious Tradition of India

Explores India through the prism of religion, detailing the development and impact of various religious movements on Indian life from the distant past to the present.

ASN304: Buddhism in Asia and its influence in the Western World

An overview of Buddhism as a distinctly Asian philosophy and religion, followed by an examination of the Western world’s modern-day awareness and interest in its roots and practice.

ASN305: Colonialism in Asia

The impact of colonialism in various Asian countries. The historical and political justifications, reasoning and impact of colonialism will be examined in detail.

ASN306: Asia through Films

Cinema’s depiction of Asia. An examination of how Asia views itself, and how non-Asians render the Asian experience through film.

ASN307: Southeast Asian Art

A general introduction to the major artists, movements and trends in Southeast Asian art.

ASN308: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Arts

An overview of the major arts of China, Japan and Korea, examining their histories, aesthetics, differences and similarities.

ASN309: Khmer Art

The major artists and movements of Khmer Art will be examined from artistic, social and political angles.

ASN401: Nationalism, Internationalism and Cultural Identities

Cultural identity is shaped by how a nation views itself as a domestic entity, and how it views itself in relation to the rest of the world. This course will explore, through various cultural contexts, how nationalism and internationalism contradict and co-exist with each other.

ASN402: Islam in Southeast Asia

The history and impact of Islam in Southeast Asia as a cultural and political force.

ASN403: Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in Asia

Asian beliefs regarding gender, race and ethnicity will be examined through familial, cultural and political viewpoints, highlighting the inevitable conflicts, discrimination and acceptance.

ASN404: Asian Politics

An overview of Asian politics, focusing on common political ideologies and explaining significant differences in the implementation of various forms of democracy, communism, etc.

ASN405: American Influence in Asia

America’s influence in Asia, as an artistic, economic, political and military force that continues to shape the region’s cultural and societal future.

ASN406: Southeast Asian Politics

The politics of Southeast Asia, from past to present. Major political movements and key national leaders will be compared and contrasted with each other.

ASN407: Cambodian Politics

Cambodian politics as a unifying and dividing force in modern Cambodian life. From the Khmer Rouge to recent elections, this course will examine the reality of political parties, philosophies and methodologies in modern Cambodia.




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Last modifiedMay 1, 2007 15:09
© University of Cambodia, 2007