
Undergraduate Catalogue: Anthropology Course Descriptions

The following outlines of course content are correct at the time of writing, although the material (or the order in which it is covered) may be subject to change.

1. All courses are 3 credit hours each, unless otherwise indicated.

2. Normally, a course will not be run without a minimum enrolment of students.

ANT101: Introduction to Anthropology

An introductory survey of the sub-fields of anthropology: biological anthropology, archaeology, cultural and social anthropology. (Note: this may also be counted as a General Education course.)

ANT102: Origins of Human Society

An archeological perspective on the earliest forms of human culture in the prehistoric past.

ANT103: The Rise of Civilization

The rise of major civilizations in prehistory and proto-history throughout the world. (Note: this may also be counted as a General Education course.)

ANT104: Introduction to Archaeology

Using archaeological data, this course traces our prehistoric heritage and the processes which led to the evolution of agriculture, settled villages, and civilization. (Note: this may also be counted as a General Education course.)

ANT201: Biological Anthropology

Past and present evolution of the human species and population and individual biological variation.

ANT202: Cultural Anthropology

Survey of cultural anthropology; deals with the nature of culture and its various aspects including social organization, technology, economics, religion, and language.

ANT203: Introduction to Language and Culture

This is an introduction to the study of the production, interpretation, reproduction of social meanings as expressed through language.

ANT204: Southeast Asian Archaeology I

Traces the prehistory of Southeast Asian cultures from an archaeological and ethno-historical perspective; special attention given to the Cambodian culture as it relates to the rest of Southeast Asian cultures.

ANT205: The Ancient Empires

Comparative studies of five of the world’s most prominent ancient empires: Assyria, Egypt, Rome, the Aztecs, and the Incas.

ANT206: Personal Anthropology

Anthropological approaches and methods related to the student’s everyday life situation.

ANT207: The Anthropology of Gender

Examines the linkage between biology and cultural constructions of gender.

ANT208: The Anthropology of Modernity

Examines the issue of modernity from an anthropological perspective and considers how it relates to the past.

ANT301: Physiological and Environmental Anthropology of Human Adaptation

This course seeks to understand human variation; ecological factors; biological and cultural response to heat, cold, altitude, diet, disease, and urbanization.

ANT302: Introduction to Social Anthropology and Ethnology

Introduction to the anthropological study of contemporary human societies.

ANT303: Traditional Khmer Medicine - A Case Study

This course seeks to understand traditional ways of healing as practiced in traditional and modern Khmer society.

ANT304: Southeast Asian Archaeology II

Examines the prehistory and proto-history of Southeast Asia, and its connection to Cambodia’s living past.

ANT305: Anthropological Theory in Contemporary Perspective

The course considers how anthropological theory and methods enhance our understanding of contemporary social and political issues.

ANT306: Food, Health, and Society

Introduces basic anthropological and sociological methods, concepts, and approaches to the study of the social and cultural dimensions of food.

ANT401: Human Biology of Asia and the Pacific

This course seeks to understand the human biology of prehistoric and living populations of Asia and the Pacific.

ANT402: Medical and Forensic Anthropology

Examines current research and techniques in the application of physical anthropology to legal investigations.

ANT403: The Ethnographic Imagination

Students are introduced to the theory and practice of “ethnography”- the intensive study of people’s lives as shaped by social relations, cultural images, and historical forces.

ANT404: Field Work in Cultural Anthropology - Theory and Methods

Major philosophical, theoretical, and methodological issues that arise in conducting cultural-oriented anthropological field work today.

ANT405: Field Work in Medical Anthropology:

Focuses on strategies of fieldwork and data analysis for identifying, sampling, and dissemination of findings to policy development and the understanding of cultural health belief systems.

ANT406: Archaeological Theories and Practice

History of theory in archaeology.

ANT407: Archaeology and the Public

Examines the ways in which the ancient past has been interpreted by political parties, national governments, and religious and ethnic groups living in the present.




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Last modifiedMay 1, 2007 15:08
© University of Cambodia, 2007